22 October, 2018

$50 Fun Money Writing

I would save the money to buy an iPad. My reason for this is because my old iPad doesn’t work anymore, and I still want to have an iPad to play Minecraft on. I forgot about it for a while, but a few days ago I realized that I really wanted to create more, so now I have the iPad Saving Plan.

04 October, 2018

$50 post

  • I would invest in a product that would increase the amount of money I have. Then I would continue to invest until i had enough money to start a business. Next I would pay for college for business owning. Hopefully I can be apart of the international items trade. Finally I would invest in a retirement.  
  • Image result for money

50 dollar raffle

If I won 50 dollars

If I won fifty dollars in a school raffle I would save up the money so I could be something really good. By something good I mean is a two-hundred-fifty dollar traxxas rc that can go on snow and can go fifteen miles per hour or a new computer.  Also I would put that money in my bank account. The reason I would put that in my bank account is so I don't get tempted to buy something. I would love to win a school raffle.

The 50 dollars paragraph.

If  I won $50 I would save it in my bank account because I am saving my money for college. Another reason is I would be more successful in the future. Also If that won't work I will get a scholarship for soccer. So if I got 50 dollars that's what I want to do. Most people that don't get into college or don't try too then they usually don't have as good of lives as people that do because they can't get good jobs,money. From all that that they can't get good houses because they are working somewhere not getting good money because he did not go to college. what would you do with the 50 dollars.

Image result for memes for $50

    If I won this raffle money I would save it for college. I have six siblings and I'm smack dab in the middle so by the time I get to college we won't have money for me to go. I've been saving for awhile and I know in this economy fifty dollars isn't much, but it would help me go to my dream school (which is NYU).

if i won $50 in a school raffle i would donate it to a hospital. I would most likely donate to a fund for leukemia. Because my aunt died of leukemia so me and my family know how serious the problem is plus we know how expensive it can get. I know 50 bucks is most likely not going to save someone's life but it is still better than going to the store and buying all the candy you can get your hands on. So l truly belive i would donate my $50 to a hospital.

I won 50 dollars!

If I won 50$ I would deposit half of it in checking and half of it in savings. With the 25$ in checking I would buy a bunch of Mcdonalds fries first. I would buy the fries because I am addicted to french fires. Then I would buy a backplate for football so I don’t injure my back. Then maybe some candy like Rolos because i’m in love with those as well as the fries. Finally the rest of the money I would deposit transfer it into my savings.

If I won $50 dollars...

If I won $50 I would do multiple things with this money. For Example, I would spend about half of it on some personal items. Such as soccer equipment and other things like clothing. With the money I have left I will save it. For instance I will save it for College and emergencies. I will put it in a savings account or bank account to keep it safe. What would you do with if you won $50?

Fun money writing.

First I would give half of it to any donation program that helps people around the world. For example, a program that helps bring food to syrians.
Then i would spend $10 on stuff for my self. For example, vbucks. The rest I would share with friends and family members. Like buy them a candy bar or surprise them with anything small.  In conclusion, I would get stuff for myself and stuff to help other people around the world.

YAY! I just won fifty bucks

 First I would save the money until I get more money.After I would take that money and save it even more. Then I would give some of the money to the poor. Provide for animal shelters, and schools in need. Then I would move forward to help kids in need. Then I will save what money I have left and repeat the cycle until I want to spend the money. I would buy candy,chips,cheese, and pop.

Fortnite 50 bucks!

If I had $50, I would buy as many v-bucks as I can. As evidence to prove that I have many v-bucks, I would buy many skins and the season battle pass. When I am halfway through spending my v-bucks, I would dance all my emotes. Then I would enjoy by playing fortnite games every single day, with the best skins as well! All my friends would be jealous of me, and would always want to play with me. After some time, I would become the best fortnite player ever! $50 will move me a long way.

Fun money writing

By:Lorenzo Cruz-Hausbeck

If I got $50 I would have a lot of options.First I would put it into my bank account until I find out what to do.Next I would come up with the idea of buying a new basketball game called NBA 2k19. I would buy the game for a  price under what it is going for then sell it for what it’s going for.I wouldn’t make much profit but I would do that a couple of times then put that money in my bank account for college. I usually save up more than $50 but do use this method and it works.

If I got 50 dollars

If I got 50$ I would put it in my wallet. Then once I get a bank account I would put it in there. then I would use the money for stuff I want. I would keep some money in there to get some income. So then I would use that for what I want.

Fun Money

I wouldn’t have a set plan when I got it all, but there would be things I’d want to buy. One of these is art supplies! They tend to get a little expensive, and you need to replace them a decent amount. The second would have to be saving. Probably around a half or a fourth just for emergency situations. These would include; technology breaks, broken supplies, etc.
If I had 50$ dollars                                                                                                                                   
If I had 50$ I would spent 20$ dollar on v-bucks. This is because I love fortnite. And I would use the rest of the money to save up for my little brothers Ipad to be fixed because I love playing on it. That’s what I would do if I 50$ dollars.

With $50 I would. . .

    I would spend the $50 on art supplies for Inktober this year. Inktober is an art challenge that lasts for all of October. Following a prompt list, you draw something and ink it everyday of the month corresponding to the prompt. For example, I would buy a small marker sketchbook and a full set of Sakura Microns. Also, i would buy a few India inks to go along with it. I haven’t tried using India inks, but then it would be an opportunity to try a new art supply. Along with the inks, I would also buy a dip pen so I could use the inks.

Fifty dollars for college

    I now have 50 dollars in prize money that I can do whatever I want with. It is my belief that people with better education do better in life. Generally, colleges that rate higher cost more. I have rather high standards. The college of my choice is Oxford, while it is very unlikely that I will go there, I am saving up for it anyways. I will put these 50 dollars into my college account. While fifty dollars is a meager amount of money compared to the tuition cost alone, $12,000, it puts me farther along than if I chose to go to Yale or Stanford, which have a tuition cost around $44, 500. As i noted earlier, it is my belief that people who have a better education do better in life; I wish to reach my maximum school education by going to college, but I believe that your knowledge expands even after you graduate from college. In simpler terms, you are always learning something new. What would you do with fifty dollars?

03 October, 2018

Fun Money paragraph

If I won the 50$ if would probably spend $25 and save the rest for other occasions. If I absolutely need something I would spend my $50 ,for example when I brake a phone cases or need a school supplie. If I go shopping at the mall I would spend a little money but save some another time. Lastly the only thing I wouldn't do with the 50$ is buying something.

Fun Money

If I won $50 in a school raffle, I would choose to save it because there is nothing that I really want to buy right now. It’s not that I’m saving up for anything, there’s just nothing I’d like to buy right now. Maybe, I would later choose to use it to buy books or something like that, but for now I’ll save it. I might spend it on books or art supplies later, but for now, I’m not going to buy anything with it. So, for the above reasons, I would choose to save the money, at least for now. I know that we all know what we would do with $50 in fun money, but what would you do with $500 in fun money? My challenge to you is to figure it out and comment back!
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If i won the school raffle

If i won 50 bucks i would spend it on save it and get more so i can buy pokemon cards and get something for my mom.I would save so i can buy more stuff with my money.I would get my mom something cause she does a lot for me.I would buy candy and share with the rest of my family because i would be nice. That is all i would do with 50 bucks.


If I got $50 I If I got $50 I would save some and spend some. would save some and spend some. I would do this because it is a way to save and spend. The save portion would go in my the bank. I would be able to use the money I saved in the bank for college. I would spend the other on half on slime. If not for slime, I would spend it on crafts. This what I would do with my special $50.
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If I won 50 Dollars...

            In a situation like this, I would save the money. I have been saving money in my “Cash Box” for quite a few months now, and have been earning the money by babysitting and doing other small jobs. I like to save money so that I can buy things at the same time. I would probably save this money so that I can buy clothes, things for my room or buy gifts for others. I realize you might think spending your money right away is a good choice, but I believe that saving money when you want to buy more expensive items is a good choice. As you can see, I would choose to save my money instead of spending it right away or a combination of both.💲💸 💵 


If I won the 50 dollars there is no doubt I would put it in a savings account at the bank so I could get interest. I am not saving up for anything particular but I could use it later when I do need money. I could use it to buy a big bag of candy, or a textbook for college. In conclusion I would not spend it right away.

50 pieces of paper

If I were to have won $50 I would put it into my stash of money for cancer for kids. Next when I have over 1,000 my parents promised to match it and then I would bring it into Sparrow hospital for kids with cancer because the deserve a normal life. I have felt bad forever. I want to give it to people in need that for meds that can’t afford it. Then I

would make teddy bears or something to comfort them.
Image result for money gifs

If I found 50$ dollars in the woods

If I found 50 dollars in the woods then I would go to the dollar store
and buy 5,000 penny candies and sell 1 penny candy for 5 cents and then with
250 dollars I would do the same thing and repeat. Then when I had a large amount
I would invest in the stock market. Then when I am so rich from the stock market
I would with my trillions of dollars I would take over the world. For example when I am the god
and king of everything I will be eventually taken over and the order will be restored.
Then I will be sad. Except in the end everybody including me will be happy.
But if I got 50.01 it would be completely different.

Fun Money Writing

If I was given $50 in a school raffle, I would divide it up by 10’s. $10 to some type of charity, for example, WWF, or to some child or grown up in need. $10 to myself (probably for a bunch of Halloween candy) and $20 would be taking a trip to my bank account. Lastly to a nice vacation to Bahamas. As you can see I have a very well planned idea of what I would do with that $50, so why not make it come true? In my opinion, I am very responsible and can handle the money very, very well.

If I had $50 dollars I would save it all to have a better college and a house. After I want a better college so I can get better education and get a job. To start making money to save up for more things I need. I would also like to get a better house so I can have a place to stay away for some times. This money can help me afford a job to make money for years. In my opinion it would be better if you save money so you can buy something bigger and something you need more when you grow up.

Getting $50

If I won $50 in a school raffle I would spend $15 and put the other $35 in my bank account. The $15 would just go into my wallet for future mall trip, movie trips, concession snacks, clothes, jewelry, and snacks for movie nights. The $35 will probably just sit in my bank account until I go to college, or start paying for a phone. I think that I would be excited to gain the $$$ but in reality I have 0% chance of winning $50. What about you??? Click Me For Money$$$$$

What would you do with

   If I were to win 50$ at a school raffle I would try to use my money very wisley. By using my money in savings for college or for a car. I want to spend it on these specific needs because these are what you need in life. For example, you need a car so you can get to places or so you can travel to different scenic locations. Again another reason why I want to save up money for college is because if you go to a good college then you have a pretty good chance of getting a good job. I have already been trying to save up for these needs, because one day when I get into a great college, I know it is partially because of money I saved , and my family. This 50$ may not be enough money, but it will definitely help me out in my savings.

If I Got 50$ What Would I Do?

If I won $50 I would save it, first of all if you spend all of our money than what happens if you need money quick for a emergency. Second, i would like to have enough money for food and water. Third, I don't have anything that i need so i don't need money. I would hope to save money for college but after that i would still save my money for food and water or money for furniture when i move into a house. I don't like when people get money and just spend it. Because about a quarter people in the world, buy something and then just throw it away. Save your money for emergency or things that you need not want.

What would you do with 50 dollars

If I had 50 dollars, I would spend a portion of it for something small I want right now and then save up for something big I want in the future. Something small would have to be like 15 or 20 dollars so I would have a good amount to start saving up. For example, something small I could buy right now is probably a pop socket, which is 10 dollars. I can then use the 40 dollars to start saving up for like an Xbox controller, which is 60 dollars. What would you do with 50 dollars?

So I got 50 dollars for free... *NOT CLICKBAIT* *100% proof* (working 2018)

  In my opinion I think that’s a lot of money I can use on v-bucks since I am kinda of low on v-bucks right now. Again I would also want to buy a mouse or a keyboard since mine isn’t that good, a better mic would be good too since I make youtube videos. I can also save the money later for something I really want like a better pc, a good graphics card, or I can buy more memory. Mabye I can buy some food with it and eat it. But at last I would probably just spend it all at once on 6000 v-bucks. If you would like tutorial on how to get 50 dollars for free email me at lih24@okemosk12.net or comment on this post.

$50 Fun money writing piece

In my point of view I believe to save my money and spend some later. There is no doubt people with money spend more than save. I want to save money so if I make more money I can add it to the amount of money that I have then I would spend some of it. I would spend it on mortgages for my multiple houses, food, cars, and charities. And I would the rest save it for inherits.

If I won fifty dollars without string attached

          If I won $50 dollars in the school raffle. First, I will save it in my bank. Second, I will save my money until I get a PC or iPhone. Third, when I receive my goal will not buy an iPhone either a PC. Forth, I will try to buy a car when I am in the High School. Finally, you can have your car. This can help you to forget all of your goals and get a bigger goal. Or I just give to a person and think there is anything happened.
Image result for 50 dollar memes

I would put 30 dollars in the bank. Then I would spend the rest on something I would use and like. So i'm not buying something that I like at one point then not later. First I would buy a phone case or a drone. Second I would buy something like a basketball. Third I would buy something like basketball knee pads.

What i'm going to do with my money

I would save up for my college fund because it usually cost a lot. I want to get into a good college and not have to debt. I would get a job and save up so i can pay all my funds on time. As you can see I don’t want to get kicked out of the college I attend. If I got kicked out of dorm I would pay my parent to live at home. In conclusion I would save all the money I can to pay my college funds.

school raffle!

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If I won $50 from a school raffle I would split the money into 30 and 20 dollars. I would donate the 30 dollars to buying stuff for a shelter or any other good cause. I would probably donate to my charity Grace gives, A animal shelter and/or homeless shelters. Finally with the remaining $20 I would put it away to save. Overall with any money I would like to split into different parts for instance Spend, Save , donate. What would you do will $50?


With $50 I could do many things with it. But I would use around half of that money of Fortnite. In my opinion Fortnite is the best video game ever made in my time. Besides spending ½ on Fortnite, then I would spend ¼ of the cash for soccer equipment. For example, soccer balls and cones. The reason that I would spend ¼ on soccer is because soccer is very fun to me and I play on a competitive team. Also another thing I would get is a bunch of candy. Because if i'm hungry then I can munch on candy.

If I won fifty dollars with no strings attached

If I won fifty dollars first I'd be like "this has got to be a trick". Then when I realized it wasn't I would be so exited. I would probaly split the money. One half for my trip around Europe. The other half on a Ps4. Allthough I could get the PS4 quicker if I spent it all on that.Then again it would be harder to go to Europe if I did that.

Fun Money Writing

In my opinion, if I won $50 in the school raffle, I would choose to spend it on buying things for the school. First, I would buy a couple of books for the school library. I will have about $10 left and I would save that money up. Next, I would use the money I had raised up to help fund things that classrooms may need. Also, I might spend some of that money on buying mini T.VS so that each morning we could announce Chippewa News and it could be told by a student. Personally, I have seen this in other schools and with my saved up money I think that I could make this happen. In conclusion, with the $50 that I won, I would use it to make academic and beneficial changes to Chippewa Middle School. What would you do with $50?
 If i got 50 dollars I would save it up to buy something bigger, im a DJ so I would save up
for another speaker to play music. I need another speaker cause with only one it's not that
loud but with two, it will be super loud. I would save up money from other gigs as well.
Other DJ’s have more than 1 speaker and its way louder, that's my evidence. So that's what
I would do over all…

But maybe spend like 10.
If I won $50 in a school raffle, I would save it up to buy something bigger. For example, $50 dollars can get you an Echo Dot. But wouldn’t you want to save up for something bigger like a TV? On the other hand, I could also spend it on small things. Five Below can get you a lot with $50. I also could just spend a little bit at a time and also make some money. So, if I need a pair of earbuds I can pay for some but also make some money to get that money that I just spent back.

Fun Money Writing

In my opinion, if I were to get $50 right now, I would save it. One reason behind this is that I save my money until I really need or want it. Right now, I’m saving up for a PS4, and I need every bit of money I can get. Plus, what else can $50 get that is either really important or I would use every day? Another reason why I would save this $50 is I can use it at any time. I mean, what is the point of using the $50 right now if I can still use it tomorrow? Lastly, I would save the $50 because I like to spend money in bulk if I have to. Let’s say I want to get a nerf gun and lego set, so I buy them whenever I get the money for either. For me, this is really disorganized, so I wait until I have enough money for both and then spend it. As you can see, I would strongly like to save this $50 if I got it right this second.

Fun Money Writing

If I had fifty dollars I would choose to save it. I would choose to do this because I am saving up to buy a yacht. I like to go fishing a lot and if I had a yacht then I could just go on week long fishing trips for example and basically live on the boat for short amounts of time. I know that the yacht would be more expensive than just a regular boat but I feel like it would be worth it in the long run. Also the yacht would be a lot more comfortable. In conclusion that is why I would save the fifty dollars, so that later I could use it to get something bigger than what fifty dollars can buy you.

Fun money writing~

In my opinion, I think I have to save money at first time then, spend money when we need money.

For example if, we don’t have money when emergency situation then, we can use money. Or we can save money for 1 year then, we can use money for what you want to buy or travel.

If I had $50

In my opinion, you can always have more fun when you have more money.
Therefore, the best course of action would be to place ALL $50 in an interest
account and wait for my money to build up. I firmly suggest everyone follows suit
in my financial wisdom, however, not many people understand the importance of
 more money!! what would you do with $50?

Image result for $50 memes

02 October, 2018


If I won 50 dollars, I would probably save it all. In the first place, I can’t even think of anything I would buy with those 50 dollars. I would give myself time, so I can think of what I want to buy, and also save up money at the same time. Saving is also on my list of what to do with 50 dollars. Equally important as saving for something else, I would think that saving for college is seriously important and I would probably do that. I could also go to the store, and end up spending all 50 right in that moment. So I would think it’s a good idea to save all 50 dollars. What about youuuuuuu?

Fun MONEY Writing $50$

Fun Money Writing $50$ If I got $50 from a school raffle, then I would save it up. I would save it up, because eventually I will get more money to add to my savings from chores and mowing the lawn. This will be good because this way I have a lot more money so I can get the bigger, more valuable things. For example, let’s say I now have $100. Next, I would  purchase more expensive; better  things like headphones, and shoes. I think that this would be better than having $50 and getting things that aren’t as good. That is why I believe saving is better than spending.

Image result for $50 meme


I think that I would save my money. I would give most of the money to my parents. I would do that because my parents technically would just be giving the money back to me when they buy things for me. Then you might ask, “Why not keep it if the money will be spent on you?” Well I don’t want it all spent on me. The reason being is that I don’t know what I want $50 for, so why not help the whole family with the money to buy groceries or something. Then you may ask, “Why not give it all to your parents?” To that I say, I would save some for myself because if I want something and I’m in a pickle and my parents are not there...voila, I have my own money to spend. What would you spend $50 on, electronics or food?

I won a school raffle!

If I won $50 from the school raffel, I would put it all in my bank account. When you put money in a bank, it grows interest. In other words, you earn more money because the bank pays you to keep money in their company. ( I know right, paying you to keep money in a certain place. Don't worry, you can trust them.) Usually, a bank gives you around 3% interest for whatever you put in. At the end of the year, I’d have around $51.50. Currently, I don’t have anything I really need or want, so I’d just keep it in there for as long as possible. I’d say that the $50 (plus interest) would be my emergency money. In conclusion, I wouldn’t spend any money. (Unless I really had to.) Winning a raffle is always fun, what would you do?
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