03 October, 2018

If I Got 50$ What Would I Do?

If I won $50 I would save it, first of all if you spend all of our money than what happens if you need money quick for a emergency. Second, i would like to have enough money for food and water. Third, I don't have anything that i need so i don't need money. I would hope to save money for college but after that i would still save my money for food and water or money for furniture when i move into a house. I don't like when people get money and just spend it. Because about a quarter people in the world, buy something and then just throw it away. Save your money for emergency or things that you need not want.


  1. you would save it all. your going to be good with your money when your older.

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    2. What else would you save it for.

    3. I like that you will spend your money very wisley. I like that you pointed out that a quarter of the people just waste their money. And if you where to other money would you donate some to the poor? if you where to have all the things that you said you need like a house , furniture , food , and water, what would you spend your money on next then?

  2. It is great that you would save your money for emergencies and college. I also don’t like buying things and just throwing it away. People should donate them. If I were you I would do the same. In the future if you saw something you really badly wanted, would you get or will you not?


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