02 October, 2018

Fun $50 Money Writing!

If I was given $50 I would spend some and save some of it. I would most likely save most of it and only spend $10-$20. With that I would most likely buy some candy because it tastes good even though it is bad for you. I would save some of it because I do not want a lot of things and it would be nice to have some extra money on hand if I wanted to buy something later that I really wanted. For instance, if the net book in a series of books that I like came out, I would buy it and I would only have that money if I saved money or got some money right in the moment. Right now, there is nothing that I really want to buy, but if something arises in the future, I want to have the money to buy that. In my opinion, it is good to have some extra money if you want to buy something. Do you think it is good to save money or to spend it?Image result for $50 meme

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