03 October, 2018

Fun Money Writing

In my opinion, if I won $50 in the school raffle, I would choose to spend it on buying things for the school. First, I would buy a couple of books for the school library. I will have about $10 left and I would save that money up. Next, I would use the money I had raised up to help fund things that classrooms may need. Also, I might spend some of that money on buying mini T.VS so that each morning we could announce Chippewa News and it could be told by a student. Personally, I have seen this in other schools and with my saved up money I think that I could make this happen. In conclusion, with the $50 that I won, I would use it to make academic and beneficial changes to Chippewa Middle School. What would you do with $50?


  1. That would be very helpful to the teachers

  2. I really like the Idea of giving some of the money to the school for books


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