02 October, 2018

Save it or spend it

In my opinion, saving money is important, because you might spend it on something that you will not like or never use ever again. So, I would save that amount and not use it until I have a general idea of what I want to buy. However, if I did want to spend it on something, then I would probably want to spend it on books or buying movie dvds, because I love reading and watching movies. Also, I think that I would spend it on electronics, because the companies that make them are releasing more and more of them. I would need to save up lots of money, but $50 is a little boost. My first choice however, would be saving up, for anything I want or will want. If you could do one of these, would you save it or would you spend it?

1 comment:

  1. I would also save it because once I get more money I could use it for good. I would also agree on what to spend it on.


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