02 October, 2018

If I won fifty dollars.....

If I had fifty dollars, I would store all of it in a bank. I would do this because of the fact that I have everything I want and need right now. There is no point of me buying anything with it. I’d save it because when I grow up and am independent, I might need the money for something else. Besides, it might generate interest and the fifty dollars might become a hundred dollars, who knows? Honestly, I wouldn’t see how anybody would spend it all right away; you don’t need anything that your parents don’t provide and the things that you want now might become less expensive and more advanced in the future.

Image result for money gif


  1. This is an interesting post because it shows that you believe that it is more helpful to save your money now and not spend it when others would. But I'm pretty sure that every one wants something right now so what if you had to spend it?

  2. I agree with your mindset that if you save for later, you'll be able to meet your immediate wants and needs in the future. However, I wouldn't necessarily put it ALL in a bank. If I did that, I would have to make a withdrawal if I wanted to buy something in the spur of the moment. So I'd most likely store most of it in the bank but keep some close for immediate needs.

    1. Yes but, WHAT IF I HAVE A BANK CARD?!


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