02 October, 2018

Spend or save? Neither.

If I got $50, I wouldn’t save it or spend it on anything. “Well, what does that mean?” You might ask. What I would do with that money is that I would donate it to a animal charity. One reason is that I know shelters are struggling. More and more people these days are leaving animals on the road and such. The shelters are having a hard time with costs of food, space, caring goods such as brushes, and so on. I believe that even a little amount of money to one shelter will save a animal’s life. Another reason is that I already have a fair amount of money to spend. If I wanted a piece of candy or something, I could just use the money I already had to spend. That is why I would donate my 50 dollars to a shelter. If you could donate money to somewhere, would you donate to a animal shelter or a hospital with humans?

1 comment:

  1. I think that the idea of donating it all to animal shelters is a brilliant idea. I agree with you that animals in shelters struggle with having enough food in their bowls. If I had to choose between donating to an animal shelter or a shelter for humans, I'd have to choose the animals. A lot of people donate to human shelters, far more than animal shelters, so they (humans) have enough money. If you didn't donate it all to animal shelters, what would you spend it on?


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