02 October, 2018

Winning the school raffle!

  If I won the school raffle, for $50, I would spend it. I would spend it on gifts for my family. Somehow I would slyly ask them what they were wanting. I would ask my grandpa (Tata) first to see if he wanted anything $50 or over if it was then I would get him that first. Tata would be the first one I did because he does so much for me I want to give back. Next, I would do my parents, see what they wanted (slyly) and try my best to get that without them knowing. No offense to my sister but she would be last if at all, it really just depends on what the other 3 want. What would your parents/grandparents ask for?


  1. I like the way you explained what order you are spending the money, because it gives a visual of the ways you would use it. One question I have is ; who is "Tata"? I have a feeling is may be your Grandfather.

  2. That is the only thing I would change about the piece. (clarifying who Tata is)


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