02 October, 2018

If I won $50

If I had $50 I would spend a little and save some. I would spend only a little amount of about $15 and save the other $35 for something that I need like food or maybe for something I’m saving up for so it’ll be easier to achieve in the future. You never know when you could have $35 in handy so if you like really need something. For example, if you wanna run to the supermarket for something you know your parent, sibling, etc needs or wants, you can get it for them and make their day! There’s surprisingly a lot of things you can do with only $50, but I would keep some just in case and to play it safe. In conclusion, I think I’m making a good decision with my money.
Image result for money meme

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I wouldn't spend it all at once because once you're in an emergency and need money, you won't have anything because you would have spent all of it.


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