02 October, 2018

Save that Fun Money

Ok, so this question is kind of tricky to answer.
I mean, for me, it depends on the day. Today, I felt
like saving it. I just bought a ripstik so I want to save
up for something else in the future. Not saying t
hat I always want to save. I really do try to save a
lot of my money. Especially now that my birthday is coming
up. Why spend money if you are going to get a few gifts?
So, in conclusion I would save it all the way and I would
put it in my bank account. Would you save it? Spend it?
In between? I want to know💰💸


  1. I totally understand you on the "It depends on the day" thing. One day, I might really want something and another day, I might want to save. But right now what I would do is save half and spend half, so inbetween. What would you do with all that saved money? You'll have to use it one day, I guess.

    1. Okay, so it took me a hot second to think of what I would buy, and honestly, I think I would never use it. I really like just having money in my bank account. You know, just knowing that you have it ready. If I had to buy something, I would go to Amazon, and get a plushie. Or I would go to a book store, and get a book.

  2. Hi Norah! I really liked you post. I understand why you would want to save the money because your birthday is coming up. I would probably save my money so I could wait to spend it when I need it. What kind of thing would you wait to spend the money on? What is a ripstick? Great job!

    1. A Ripstik is basically a Skateboard, but you have to move your hips to make it move. Like a said with Misa, I would not buy anything. I just like having money. If I had to, I would buy a book or a plushie.


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