03 October, 2018

If I found 50$ dollars in the woods

If I found 50 dollars in the woods then I would go to the dollar store
and buy 5,000 penny candies and sell 1 penny candy for 5 cents and then with
250 dollars I would do the same thing and repeat. Then when I had a large amount
I would invest in the stock market. Then when I am so rich from the stock market
I would with my trillions of dollars I would take over the world. For example when I am the god
and king of everything I will be eventually taken over and the order will be restored.
Then I will be sad. Except in the end everybody including me will be happy.
But if I got 50.01 it would be completely different.


  1. That's very cool. I like the decision because I like candy too. I am also a good person, so I would share with family too. But I have one question. What are you saving money for? Why don't want to get any fortnite v-bucks? That is what I would like to do. I still respect your idea, though.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Roman! This is a very interesting idea, and I am glad that you are planning for the future and thinking big. Although, I think you may be thinking a little too big; and that for now you should plan for the future that is not too distant.


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