03 October, 2018

What would you do with

   If I were to win 50$ at a school raffle I would try to use my money very wisley. By using my money in savings for college or for a car. I want to spend it on these specific needs because these are what you need in life. For example, you need a car so you can get to places or so you can travel to different scenic locations. Again another reason why I want to save up money for college is because if you go to a good college then you have a pretty good chance of getting a good job. I have already been trying to save up for these needs, because one day when I get into a great college, I know it is partially because of money I saved , and my family. This 50$ may not be enough money, but it will definitely help me out in my savings.

1 comment:

  1. Leila, I think that it’s a really good idea that you would spend the $50 for college. Also, it’s very wise that you're spending money on things that you actually need in life, not things you WANT. $50 may not seem like that much, but if you start saving up that money, it can really come in handy.


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