03 October, 2018

Fun Money Writing

In my opinion, if I were to get $50 right now, I would save it. One reason behind this is that I save my money until I really need or want it. Right now, I’m saving up for a PS4, and I need every bit of money I can get. Plus, what else can $50 get that is either really important or I would use every day? Another reason why I would save this $50 is I can use it at any time. I mean, what is the point of using the $50 right now if I can still use it tomorrow? Lastly, I would save the $50 because I like to spend money in bulk if I have to. Let’s say I want to get a nerf gun and lego set, so I buy them whenever I get the money for either. For me, this is really disorganized, so I wait until I have enough money for both and then spend it. As you can see, I would strongly like to save this $50 if I got it right this second.

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