25 October, 2017


Pizza is the best thing ever!

The best place to go locally for pizza is Pizza House!. It is the best place to go to because the pizza there is the cheesiest pizza on the whole entire planet.Also the sauce and the crust can make your day five HUNDRED times better after one bite.I really don't know how the pizza there can taste so good but I know that it is the best pizza to go to anywhere on planet.Now I dare you to go try Pizza House.

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22 October, 2017

Fun Money Fail

Fun Money

                        If I had 25 dollars spend I would  go to the mall and I would by a
                       large pineapple coconut orange smoothie. Then with the remaining money 
                       I would go to the pretzel place and buy a pepperoni pretzel or I would go watch a                                movie with my friends .I could  also save it for later but knowing me I would probably                        blow all the money in an hour.Or I would  spend all the money on chips and candy 
                    and then eat it all.What would you do with 25 dollars of fun money?????😃😃
                        Image result for money giphy

20 October, 2017


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Okay we all know that Cottage Inn pizza is the best pizza there is. It's the best because its so cheese and has the best cheese bread in the world. If you like little Cesar's pizza more than cottage inn then there is something wrong with your taste buds. I mean old Chicago is ok but Cottage inn is the best pizza in the city of Okemos. So what is your favorite pizza is it cottage inn or something else.

Why Old Chicago is the best

Old Chicago is Amazing 

By Tubi Ganguly

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               I think Old Chicago is the best pizza place. Its not dry like dominoes  or to bready dike "Little Caesars. It also has a lot of different toppings and flavors. It is very high quality. Do you agree

"Yes. Old Chicago is Excellent. But I personally  prefer cottage inn. It just like Old Chicago Has a lot of Different topping and flavors and it also Has a bunch of different crusts. I also think old Chicago is a bit too expensive."

               True but when you look at the prices side by side, cottage inn isn't that cheep ether. And also Old Chicago Has a Multiple bread and crust. It also has more cheese and marinara.

"It doesn't matter if a pizza place has more topping because you wont use all of them. Cottage inn can make pizza for people with s gluten allergy. We can still have our own opinions."

                 Enough talk about witch pizza place is he best. At Old Chicago I eat a whole pizza as a meal! Can you do that?

16 October, 2017

Once upon a time...Pillows!

25 dollars for fun money? Well without deciding I will probably run out of the house and go shopping. I probably go to the movie theater to see what's on there but I'm gonna walk out wondering when the new Star Wars are coming out. I probably will check the snapchat, going through people's story and figure out some people are at the mall shopping and hanging out with friends, So I'll skip the mall. And I will cross the street and go to 5 below! 5 below sounds amazing to me so I will take good full an hour tour around the store and walk out without buying anything. I never find anything to use my money on in 5 below, but I love that place! Then I will go to Target and pick up double chocolate chip frappuccino because, you know, it's my all-time favorite. I will probably go through the one-dollar section in the front, go through makeup areas, food areas, movie areas, clothing areas, home decoration areas, and then the bed goods! I will find furry pink and white or grey pillows. One, I will probably hug it. I always check how it feels to hug that pillow because pillows are for hugging. I want very advanced quality hugging pillows. I'm sorry, I'm a little strict about buying pillows. And two, when I find the perfect one, I will run to the price checker and scan it, it will most likely say around $19.99 to $23.99. (Just based on my observations and experiences from the past as a professional Target pillow buyer.) And after checking the price, it's about the time where all that double chocolate chips are getting stuck in the straw. So I shake it out very hard to break those chocolate chips and after all those are broken down, the cup will probably be half squished. Then after that whole process is done, I will buy that pillow like a normal person, just normal. Except for that, I have 25 dollars of fun money, that makes me special. And one more thing, yup, I will remember I forgot to take a picture of my frappuccino and did not send out my streak picture. So then I will look at my empty half squished frap cup and throw it in the trash. Sending a streak photo of the random wall with flash, just trying to make the wall look a little bit cooler.What do you like to do with your fun money?

15 October, 2017

The homeless people need you! Donate $25 today!

The Homeless people need you!Donate $25!

     Hello children! Have you ever complained to your mother that you deserve more money for all the chores you do around the house? Or been suspicious of what the government does with our money? Naturally most human beings will hose to be greedy and share the burden of guilt with the rest of society for their lust for money.Now,I will ask you this question, what if you won the lottery for $1,000,000,000?Most of us would look at that amount and think $$$$$ immediately.If I asked you what wanted to spend it on,the usual answers would be phone upgrades,Klarissa Bell’s  jersey,why are you talking to me?,dog food,Bark,bark,ruff(a duck,a stick,a Ferrari(Albus),Starbucks ,helicopter ,McDonald's ,Pramika you’re such a stalker, bee repellent,mansion,a new car,a clown wig,a zoo,and why do you care? All of them are very good answers(except for the last one,(geez people no need to hate) and very usual answers.What if I told half of that money you blew at a casino,one-fourth you spent eating junk at McDonald's,and the other one-fourth you donated to the secret society against “Little Rocket Man”, leaving you at a grand total of $25? What would you do with the leftover money? Save or Spend? Well, I actually would do neither. I would donate the money(and just because I went with the third option does NOT mean i’m a rebel and went to the dark side). Now next to  those billionaires who donate like 5 million dollars to charity every week,my $25 seems pathetic. You would be surprised some people barely make $25 every year. Donating even that little sum of money could save someone’s life and though that seems like the amount of money you make a bet with your with, it would 5 million dollars for them in money and kindness.Who knows they could become a become a billionaire and pay you back someday?Well,that's all the time we have today kids,remember sharing is caring!I challenge you to share with at least 10 people this month and if you accept this challenge post down in the comments below #challengeaccepted.

13 October, 2017

$25 Goes To The Art Gallery!

If I had $25 to spend, I would go spend the money on an art show or an art gallery. I would want to spend $25 on those because I have a talent in drawing. Things in the art gallery give me ideas and that is what inspires me to draw. My uncle works as a speed painter and I also want to have a job as an artist. I also get my inspiration from my uncle because he has his own art show. Do you like art?

Uncle Ange

Pizza Showdown


                                                   Image result for pizza fighting 

                                IN THIS CORNER WE HAVE PIZZA HUT!                                       

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Cottage Inn after winning pizza showdown

"I just wanted a friendly competition but he was so weak..."
Continued on page 15.

Cottage Inn is definitely the best place for  pizza because it uses the best cheese and toppings available. It might not be the closest to my house but since when was getting good pizza ever easy? It has many different combinations to choose from like Hawaiian pizza and breadsticks. Or Bacon and Black olives and pretzel bread. Pizza Hut is good but I just find it to be a bit bland. That's all the reasons Cottage Inn is superb. Now what's your favorite pizza combination? 


Procrastination! The thing that most (all) millennials suffer from. I bet even most adults suffer from this condition. Procrastination is when you have to do a certain thing but you don't want to do it so you do something else! The internet has a large part in the battle of procrastination. Even now when working on this I've procrastinating. The internet's main problem in causing procrastination is well... everything is right there at your fingertips. You can take a five minute break then it will be two a.m. and are rushing to finish your ten page essay. Procrastination! There is no cure.Image result for they see me scrollin

Is Marco's pizza the best pizza place?

Hey guys! Some people might ask what the best local pizza place is? I would say Marco's pizza because you get really big slices. Also, you can choose from so many different toppings and the pizza with toppings will have a special on it. Also, they make really good cheesy bread which is to die for it is so good! It is also very good because of the workers and kind and smiling every day and making your pizzas to perfection. Another reason to love their pizza is it only takes 10-15 minutes to make and get your pizza. You can get and a large pizza and a medium pizza with cheesy bread for $25 which is a pretty good price if you ask me. What do you think about Marco's pizza?



Image result for dicks
Crazy story I was walking home and I saw $20 and $5 just flying through the wind! Obviously I ran to grab it, man that thing was flying fast anyway.... I walked to the mall because who doesn't love the mall. At this point I'm super hungry. I'm really craving a smoothie! I got my smoothie and went to Dicks because that's the hittest spot! i had to get a Gucci shirt with the snakes on it.

$25 In Food

$25’s in food

If I have twenty five dollars of fun money where would I go? Honestly it depends on the mood I'm in, and I’m always in the mood for food. The closest convenience store is QD. So if I had twenty five dollars of fun money I would go to QD and get FOOD so I can eat it when I get home. Well why not go to Meijers? Meijers is about five minutes away from my location. QD is probably one minute. Both have food and if i'm just looking for a quick snack then I will just go to QD! loop money cash brown dollar GIF

The Krusty Krab Pizza

In my opinion the best local pizza is my mamma's pizza.The reason is that she used to work at an very well known pizzeria in Italy for like two years and in I think that she mastered of pizzaing. She uses only fresh ingredients"What kind of ingredients does she use"She uses the fresh mozzarella,fresh tomato from the backyard,freshly grow basil,and my mom makes her own dough scratch."How does she make her dough" She starts off with flour with water,yeast,olive oil, and salt in the mixer for around 4 hours."How long does it take to cook."It only takes around 5 minutes."What time should I cook the pizza."You should cook at night because the oven is usually always very hot, and during the night its pretty cool.                Domino’s UK and ROI dancing animated food pizza GIF

Do You Think Spagnuolo's Is The Best Pizza?

The best place to get pizza locally is Spagnuolo’s in Williamston. The drive doesn’t take long from Chippewa. It is the best because I love their pepperoni and bacon pizza. It hits the spot every time. Even if you don’t like pepperoni you will love all of the toppings that you like from there. I think their pizza tastes like something out of this world. They also have amazing breadsticks. I always love me some breadsticks with my pizza. But that’s just me, some people don’t like breadsticks and that’s fine because some people don’t. The best thing about it is you can just be lazy and order take out! What I said was just some suggestions for the best pizza place nearby. If you were to try it out, what is your favorite toppings?
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Fun Money? Try These.

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If I had a spare $25 I would go one of three places. Target, 5 and Below or Tom’s Grocery Store. Target is the place to be if you want any toys, games, or snacks such as soda, chips and others. And 5 Below has a massive selection of candy and sweets, so if that is how you’re feeling then that’s where you want to go. But both of these places are kind of far to walk or bike from my house. My personal favorite place to spend spare cash is Tom’s. It is within 10 minutes of my house by bike and has a lot of snacks. If ever I am craving some soda, potato chips, hot Cheetos, or Gummy Bears I can count on Tom’s to deliver. My best friend Hudson Grienke and I ride our bikes up there often. Have you ever been there? If not give it a try!

Fake Food.....

Mcdonald's is a good place to eat but most definitely not the best! The meat McDonald's is not real meat and doesn’t have the same taste. Do you like Mcdonalds? No, not really. That’s what most people would say. I bet if the meat at least taste people might enjoy it. They have found plastic in their chicken, how does that sound? Disgusting!!! There is mold in their ice cream machines. What is your favorite thing at Mcdonalds? Probably the fries. Most people when they go to Mcdonalds they get fries. Which most people would say is the only good thing there. Would you agree to that?

12 October, 2017

I READ ABOUT THOSE pizza deals!

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         Pizza.the classic sleepover food to order.delicious.Gooey cheese. But nothing compares to this place.Dominos. They have that heater car. they also have a lot of deals that support great causes.You should also go to Dominos because their pizza slices are already cut to suit your hunger..No more Mission Impossible: Cut the Pizza Nicely. Their deals can get cheaper the more money they want to gather to support their causes, and their almost always having a deal. Another great part about those deals are they allow you to get more of their side dishes, which are AMAZING by the way. Especially the bread sticks. They also have sit-down, pickup, and delivery. Each takes less than 10 minutes. Unless it's delivery, and you live 60 miles from the store. Then it will take more like 15-20 minutes. Still warm and delicious. The greatest part is if you don't eat all of the pizza the night you order, which is unlikely, if you reheat it the next day, it STILL TASTES GOOD! If you haven't ordered Dominos before this, I plead you to resist the pull of the Dark Side and order Dominos. If you have, good job. The Force is strong with you. Hopefully after you have read my plea, the next time you order pizza, you will resist the pull of the Dark Side, and save Dominos, because you're "My only hope." 
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District 5

     think the best place to spend $25 of fun money is District 5 Extreme Air Sports. I would go to District 5 because it is cheap and a lot of fun. you can go on the trampolines for and hour for $14 and 1.5 hours for $19 or what I would do is go for 2 hours for $22 and it comes with pizza and a drink. If you had $25 where would you go to spend it?

The Perfect Treat. YUMMMMM

With $25 I would take my mom and sister Ashleigh to Starbucks because we love coffee.  Frappuccinos are my favorite because you can choose to get no coffee inside therefore it’s just ice cream.  The reason for not getting coffee is i'm already hyper enough, and it makes my stomach hurt. My favorite would definitely be the S'mores Frapp, because it's very creamy and chocolatey.  The venti is the biggest one and it costs 5.00 to get one.  Do you normally get a Venti?    


The Best Restaurant to go to locally is Sansu. I think it is the best because it has the best food. They sell sushi of all varieties, and many types of bento boxes. It is a Japanese restaurant, and has the most delicious sushi and soup. Their noodles out of this world with spices and amazingly delicious strings. Overall, I like sansu because of the variety of the sushi and the quality of it. Do you like sushi too?
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♫ Do Re Mi Pizza Too Big For Me ♫

Is Whole Foods Pizza Just Too Big?

      We all know (or should know) that pizza at Whole Foods is just the greatest! But, it may seem to some people (including myself) that it's just TOO BIG! I just hate it (or ate it) when people try to argue with me that you could just cut the pieces in half because simply, I don't want feel like I have to eat it all. Well if I do think about how it would be if they did have different sizes I guess that would actually kind of obsolete. Well I mean that it could be a pretty big waste of money and time for Whole Foods and probably wouldn't benefit them very well in the long run so... I guess they should keep it the same for now. Well do you guys think Whole Foods has nice sizable pieces or should times change!

Just Try It Some Time! Pizza Places

Man! I'm so hungry and I'd love me some pizza right now, and especially some Little Caesar's !And if only I could drive, I would drive right up to Little Caesars, walk in, and order a hot and ready pepperoni pizza with crazy bread and a drink. I know most people either like Sir pizza, or Cottage Inn, or  Dominoes, or some other pizza place. but I think that you should try Little Caesar's sometime!  I dare you to go and get a Little caesar's pizza!


   I think that the best local place to go for pizza is Domino's. It is the best place because there are so many options for toppings and there is no limit to how crazy or how plain they are, and no matter what the toppings are the pizza always tastes good. What makes it taste so good you ask? Well, the cheese and the sauce are the best part. The cheese is really gooey and delicious and the sauce adds a lot to the taste overall. I personally think that pretty affordable, they also have lots of coupons and deals that help a lot when you are paying.  All in all if you are looking for an affordable but still tasty pizza place then try Domino's. So, are going to try it? You better.

Eating Pizza has never tasted better!

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So lets say that your REALLY hungry and that your craving a nice, fresh pizza. Well then, I can tell you that Cottage Inn has the best pizza around! Now your probably asking yourself, "what makes Cottage Inn pizza so good?" Well to start, all of the ingredients, from the crust to the toppings are all fresh and perfect to make pizza with. They also have a TON of varsities, you can order regular cheese pizza, pizza with chicken, BBQ sauce, and onions. Maybe  BLT pizza. Or heck, you can custom make your own pizza if you wanted to, letting you pick out your own crust, sauce, topping, and more! Here's proof of how good there pizza is if you really need it.
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But wait, there's more! Lets say your not really craving pizza that much, well that's OK, because Cottage Inn has way more than just pizza! They also have different sandwiches like chicken Parmesan and chicken wings, along with salads like and even desserts like there delicious apple pie-zza! Now I can only convince you to go to Cottage Inn, I can't make you. However in my opinion, Cottage Inn is the BEST place to go if you want nice pizza!! What's your?

The Best Place For Pizza!!!!

The best local place to go for pizza in my opinion is Cottage Inn. I like Cottage Inn because  they don't put a ton of sauce on there pizza. I do not like it when people put a lot of sauce on pizza because it makes the cheese fall off, and that is one of my biggest pet peeves. I have only tried Cottage Inn a couple of times, but out of the times that I have tried it, I would give it an A+ every time!

What is your favorite kind of pizza and where do you get it?

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I want to be a billionaire so flippin bad ,but I only have $25

It was Monday and I was having a pretty bad day until i see this $20 and $5 on the sidewalk. It looked like no one wanted it so I just took it. I started to walk home but then I realized that I could use this $25 for something good. So i started walking to the mall and I got sooooo hungry. Obviously I got some panda express because that is the best food there , and i also got a smoothie. I still had a little money left so i decided to go get some clothes. I got a t-shirt from aeropostale So yeah my Monday turned into a pretty lit day:)

Loving Pizza

The best place to go for pizza is Sir Pizza in old town. Sir Pizza makes the pizza perfect not to make cheese or sauce, and just the right amount of toppings. Some mite disagree and say that it is horribly. Well that is just your opinion, but I like it you can get anything on it. I also get it half off because my aunt owns it. Some might say that I am just saying that I like it because it is cheep, but I don't just like it because it is cheep. Every time I go to Sir Pizza I get ham, pepperoni, and pineapple, It is so good. I also get bread sticks that are always made perfect. Somme mite say that they would rather die then have it, but I don't care I like it and I recommend you have it.

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Marcos is the best and here's why!

The best pizza place is Marcos! It's AMAZING. It comes in BIG slices and you can order tiny pepperonis all over it. It's more money than other pizzas but it's worth it. The bread sticks are also good because they put A LOT of garlic. What really makes it good is the pepperoni. Some people say that Little Caesars is better because it's cheap. Others say Marcos does not have enough cheese. In my opinion it's not as good as Marcos just because it's cheap. In my opinion I think that little Caesars is too greasy also. Here's the Marcos website because you should try it it's AMAZING. Whats YOUR favorite pizza place?

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If I had $25 to spend I would first go to the Meridian Mall. Why would I go there you ask, the reason is they have a lot of stores. I could get some new clothes from American Eagle or I could go to Footlocker for some new shoes, but then again I couldn't buy a pair of shoes with $25 so I will just go to Panda Express in the Mall's Food Court. Which cost me $10. After i'm done eating I went to the Schuler's Book Store. I was looking for a book when I finally found one called the Tickle Monster. After I read the book I went home.

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Cottage Inn: The Only Pizza Place Worth Spending Your Money At

            The best place to get gourmet pizza is Cottage Inn. It has tons of different kinds of delicious, extra cheesy pizza, such as BBQ chicken, vegetables, hawaiian, grilled chicken, plain cheese, and many more. They also have lots of different kinds of sauces for your pizza, like alfredo, BBQ, ranch, marinara, or just classic pizza sauce. And if it couldn't get any better, you can get different kinds of crust. Some of my favorites are garlic butter, butter parmesan, sesame seed, etc. Not only that, but Cottage Inn has way more delicious food other than their gourmet pizza. You can get amazing chicken wings, breadsticks, cinnamon sticks and subs. What's you favorite pizza place?

11 October, 2017

$25 spending

If my mom gave me $25 to go shopping with my friends I would. First go to Starbucks and get a Venti PSF...That's a  LARGE pumpkin spice frap for those that don't speak Starbucks. After that I would want to go to American Eagle . At American Eagle I would get a shirt . The type of shirt I would get is a V neck stringed shirt. I would get the shirt at American Eagle because of the quality and the style. If you haven't tried the PSF then I dare you

Target Is The Place To Go!!!!!

 If I could spend twenty-five dollars anywhere I would spend it at Target. I would spend it there because it has a little of everything. It has cloths, interior supplies, and food. I would spend my twenty-five dollars on some cloths and some new stuff for my room and maybe a starbucks drink. I would get a caramel frappuccino at starbucks because it is my favorite drink.Target has everything and is the place to go. Where would you spend twenty-five dollars?

Woah!! $25!!!!

If I had $25 to spend wherever I want I would go to Bed Bath and Beyond. I would buy a fuzzy, soft blanket. I would buy a blanket because I love blankets!!!! Especially really soft ones. Blankets can be used for many things! If I had any money leftover I might buy something else but I would most likely spend it all on the blanket. What would you buy if you had $25 to spend anywhere?


So, let's talk Calvin and Hobbes. It's my favorite comic, of all time. Calvin and I are similar in different ways, we're imaginative, we zone out, we don't like doing work(of course I'm much more behaved than he is). They should make a show based on the comic though, I just hope that would work, since the author is the only one with the rights. Also I wonder how much money Calvin would make if he wrote books, probably millions with the imagination he's got. Put your estimates in the comments.
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Image result for calvin and hobbes comics

$25 Of Fun Money

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clickbait title pls click it's about pizza

 The best place to go for pizza is Marco's Pizza. It's the best because you can online order your pizza and it will be made usually in a quick 15 minutes. Also, there is lots of options for sauce, crust, toppings, and cheese. From pineapple to pepperoni old world. Plus, there is great service. In conclusion, Marco's Pizza is a great place with lots of options and in my opinion is the best place for pizza. What is your favorite pizza place?

Blaze Pizza is the Best Pizza

I think that Blaze Pizza is the best place to go to get pizza.Image result for blaze pizza
I like Blaze Pizza because they make just as you want it and they use fresh ingredients to make the pizza. I also like how they fire the pizza and get that amazing taste you can only get there. When I go there I get goat cheese, chicken, and onions or I get their barbecue chicken. I go there around twice a month or whenever we are close by. Now that you know where my favorite place to go for pizza is, what is yours?
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If Starbucks...


    Starbucks is a welcoming, tasty, and exciting place by itself but I think it would be absolutely purrrfect… if if a few micro adjustments were made. The food and drinks at starbucks are great but what really attracts people is what you can do there, and I think if there was live entertainment performances many more people would visit. For example… how cool would it be if I was drinking a starbucks frapp and I heard a string quartet playing Clair De Lune. How would you feel if Starbucks had live entertainment?

click on me click on me! da best PIZZA place EVER!

For the best pizza place is pizza hut, because it comes fresh and hot when you buy it and when it is cold it will still be warm in the box. The thing about the crust it is the best part and the beginning the first bite of the pizza, here is my own opinion: i don't like my homemade pizza because my mom sometimes adds a little bit of cheese not  like the pizza hut people put on the pizza and she sometimes puts too much sauce on the pizza which i don't like about my homemade pizza. ok that was my own opinion if you like it you like it if you don't then you don't. remember PIZZA HUT IS THE BEST(for me)

do you like store pizza or homemade?

me store one

Cottage Inn is the Bomb

Many people have different opinions about where they like best for pizza, but my personal favorite is Cottage Inn. Why you ask? Well, it has a variety of toppings and very seasoned crusts, from stuffed to oregano crusts. Old Chicago is good, but they also sell pasta and salads, so it doesn't have a lot of variety. Domino's pizza is very dry, and Little Caesar's doesn't last Hot'N'Ready for a long time. I can agree that we have our own opinions, but COTTAGE INN IS THE BOMB
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         What's my best place to get pizza locally locally? My answer is 100 % Sir Pizza. The thin crust and square pieces are to die for. The crust mmh do crutching and delicious. There sauce has this small bit of sweetness that dances in your mouth. I'm from Chicago and I'm used to going to a different restaurant everyday but in Okemos there isn't that much of a variety but sir pizza gives a city vibe. SIR PIZZA IS SO GOOD. I know everyone one else will say something else but I disagree. Who knows maybe sir pizza is your new favorite place you should try it.Image result for funny pizza gif

Writing Plan? Really Necessary?

Have you ever seen that comic strip where Calvin said that he was waiting for the mood to write, then inspiration to write, then finally, he would resort to last-minute panic to start writing?:
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This is definitely NOT my writing plan! What is my writing plan you ask? Well, I like short things to write, like a paragraph or two, due the day after it was assigned so that I can not procrastinate. That way, last minute panic is hard for me to have.
I do agree with Calvin when he said that you have to be in the right mood to write. For instance, if I really feel like doing math (which is not very often) I might give myself math problems all over the page instead of writing, or if I am in the mood to draw, then I might make very detailed illustrations of what I want to write instead of writing it. Sometimes, all I have to do to write is to be awake!
Often, when I write, I have to look for inspiration. How do I do this, you ask? Well, I sometimes go to google images and type 'inspiration', but that hardly ever works. Sometimes, I look at a random book and find the first word I see on a random page, and, as long is it is a noun, I will write about it. Unlike Calvin, I tend to look for inspiration, not wait for it.
But do I even need a writing plan? Was all of that inspiration-finding, mood-finding due date making necessary? I don't really know and I am not sure that I want to try writing without it because of the impending disaster that may come without a writing plan. Calvin didn't really have a writing plan and it ended in last minute panic.
Last minute panic is by far the worst way to write. The worst way out of the worst ways to write. When I am panicking, I tend to stay very awake like I was just injected with very strong coffee, and I get jittery. I personally can NOT write while jittery. I know someone, who, when panicked, falls asleep. I can not write while asleep, can you? I dare you to try! Have fun with that!

Old Chicago: King Of Pizza Buffets

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Isn't Old Chicago the best? I love the big buffet there! One time, I ate ten bread sticks. Yeah I know. I wish it was open all the time too. They only have it at lunch though, and I wish the buffet was open at all times. Yeah, I'd like more toppings too. I wish they had pepperoni, bacon, and Italian sausage on my pizza. The buffet also comes with cookies! They are so warm and gooey and delicious... Yum. Don't you want to come there? I think you should!
 love gif pizza heart i love you GIF

Such a hard choice...

Fun money, huh? 25 dollars... What should do with it? Hmmm... Oh, I know! I should probably go to the mall, buy something or myself. But which store to choose?

Maybe GAP, or Old Navy, or I don't know... You know what? I'll go with Best Buy. Why, you ask? Because I said so. But for real though, I think it's 'cause their products are just worth buying. You tell me. Besides, I need a new phone case anyway. Hopefully, they'll have something cool. How 'bout you? What would YOU do with your money?

$25 of Money? Watch a movie!

If I had $25 of fun money then I would use it to go see a movie. I personally am dying the watch the "It" movie. I think it looks interesting. I could understand if you would not want to see the It movie. There are tons more to watch such as, Blade Runner, Hit man's Bodyguard, and the new Thor movie coming out in November etc. There is food and drinks for you convenience, also fun arcades. There is no need for you to pull your hair out for how busy it can get, just make sure you watch the movie a couple weeks after it released. So make sure you have fun and I bet you can't fall down the stairs in the middle of the dark movie room because you can't see. (That was sarcasm, don't do that.)

Movies For All

Hey guys! So I just got $25 dollars and after alot of consiteration I have decided to go to NCG cinema. On Tuesdays tickets to movies are only five dollars and about 10-15 dollars for a combo deterimend on how much popcorn you want or if you want a fountain drink or a icee. Since tickets are only five dollars you can get two tickets to two movies but make sure the times don't overlap.
So what movies would you see?