19 November, 2018

The Curse of Being a Cassandra

We all know how it goes. Talking with someone you know until suddenly you have a disagreement. It could be something as small as whether they prefer cats or dogs, or something as big as how the world may end. Almost always, there are two sides, and the people on each side stick with their side unless there is an overload of compelling evidence. Even then, some may not believe the other sides' point. This is especially prominent though when you have little to no evidence at all.

In the story of Cassandra, she has the all-desired ability of seeing the future, but what people don't know is that it comes with it's costs. Since no one else was able to see the future, no one believed her. In our current day, I don't believe there are any actual people that 'see the future' in complete, clear ways, but there are people who read others well or have coincidental divination. Both of which could be considered seeing the future, but still there isn't much of a strong argument with things like those.

I believe you (in most cases) can win arguments by setting out understandable, cogent information to back up your claims. There are some you will never win though, especially in topics such as religion. If your claim/argument is serious enough, and others think it will affect them in the very near future, people (being self centered) decide its worth the time to think about because otherwise humanity, which includes them, will perish. Widespread actions are taken when the general public agrees that something is affecting them for the worse and they protest or bring it to an official.

My thoughts on the tunnel situation is that the argument is completely valid, just commonly overlooked. The ice is melting, and in my opinion the reason for this is the massive slaughter of livestock to feed people. Overall, not all arguments can be won, but they may plant an idea in someone's mind and they may believe it when they need to.  You may say; well, wouldn't they believe it now? But no, sadly not. I reckon it's too late. We figured out much too slowly for the problem to be completely stopped. All we can do now is prevent it, since the time window it was needed has already passed.

We all will one day fall victim to the end of the world, even if it's just our skeleton being crushed underground, but will you choose to postpone it?

16 November, 2018

One in a same

     If I was able to see the future I would try my best to convince people that something bad is coming. I know that there will be people that don't believe me but I would try to convince them as much as possible while doing that I would try to convince other people and if they believe me I would tell them to try to convince as much people as possible. But if someone was to try to kill someone I would try to stay with the person being targeted to keep them safe from the other person. and I would try to tell an undercover agency to set up a trap to try and save the person.

Cassandra Curse (Alliteration ta da!)

The Cassandra curse is interesting because being able to tell the future but having no one listen to you is the sense of trying to help people avoid bad things.Things that cassandra say are true and are going to happen. She saying these thing so people can avoid it or be prepared for whatever was going to  happen, but in the end it happens. knowing that no matter what you say you'll be right then what would happen if you were always wrong?

 Image result for cassandra curse meme

cassandra effect

Cassandra was a girl back in ancient greece who could see far into the future. Since she didn't have any high authority, she was never taken seriously. But everything she ever said, had came true. This is what is now called cassandra effect. It basically means, if you don't have as much authority as the person or group your speaking to, then you most likely won't be taken seriously. This is bad because people with low authority could be giving a warning or saying something important, but they'll never be taken seriously. So the best thing to do is to listen to whoever it is and have an open mind. Are you going to listen to anyone, and have an open mind?


         We listended to a audio about how some warning are herd and some are not. The audio started by a space ship taking off and haveing a bunch of debre coming out of the space ship. Some knew about this problem and some did not know. Could this have been prevented or not. That is the question. The next part of the story takes place in Alaska and we are talking about a cave. The cave has dead things in the cave and it is melting. Having the melting ice releases a bunch of carbon dioxide. Which is really dangerous. All of the carbon in the cave is double the amont in the atmoshere. The next part of the audio was talking about the cassadra effect and how cassandra was cursed . She has been trying to warn people but they never listen. 

The cassandra effect

From listening to the podcast it taught me how to speak and know the truth while everyone else is in disagreement. I don't think you need to become acquaintances with the president to get heard, but you may need a little courage to speak up. In your everyday life maybe the teacher asked a question
and you answer wrong but you learn from it and listen to others trying to help you. I would do the same for the next but when they don't listen and you’re trying to help them is where communication skills come in. Andrew had a good method not to force his knowledge and help upon anyone but allow them to be interested in the facts given to them and slowly realize/ except your option/knowledge. What would your do to get people to believe in your knowledge.
            From the podcast I learned that the Cassandra effect is when someone can see and predict what is going to happen in the future, but people don't always listen to the person predicting the future. Cassandra people can warn people about what is going to happen in the future and the bad things that's gonna happen, and ways people can prevent it, but when people don't listen to them their warnings bad things can happen and if they listen they could prevent a lot of things. The permafrost organic soil contain a lot of  Carbon Dioxide and they are frozen underground, they have 2x as much carbon dioxide then the atmosphere. Due to global warming the permafrost are starting to melt and if they all melt the world will overheat and die. I really think that people like Cassandra should be easily trusted!