29 November, 2014

Turkey Time

Lately our family's Thanksgivings have been all over the place and our traditions haven’t stuck to well. But a tradition that will forever stay is our sibling war over the turkey legs. Our wishes of having a disfigured turkey with more legs on Thanksgiving has been a sad, sad fail.

28 November, 2014

Turkey Traditions/Fails

The day before this years Thanksgiving, we had eaten some rotisserie chicken right from the bone as a snack. It was about that same time the next day(on Thanksgiving), when my dog, Bella got into our garbage (like she usually does) and started eaten and slobbering all over the bones of chicken. At the same time my mom was stuffing our turkey with carrots and celery because she says that it gives the turkey more flavor. Unable to stop the dog due to having her hands stuffed in the turkey, the only thing she could do was yell at Bella who was ten feet away. "NO!" She shouted. "I don't want you doing anything gross to birds in the kitchen!" Meanwhile she had both of her hands stuffed inside a raw turkey where the head was suppose to be. Me, who saw the whole thing from the family room, started cracking up! "Ya. Coming from you mom!"

19 November, 2014

The Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem is the Holy place where Jesus Christ was buried and resurrected. Jesus is God, the creator’s, son, and came to Earth from heaven to experience what we do as humans. He came here to save us from eternal separation from God because of sin. During his life he performed miracles and told people about God. Jesus was later nailed to a cross and died, washing away our sins, allowing us to be forgiven and to be in heaven with God. Three days after being buried in this tomb he rose up again telling us that God conquers all and the only way to the father is to believe and trust in him.  That’s when and why we have Easter. Now the place is very popular and peaceful. Some people get excited to go to, say, New York;  just imagine the connection and happiness that is experienced here. Words can’t describe the amazingness of the Garden Tomb. If that isn’t enough reason to come here, what is?Photo of Garden Tomb

08 November, 2014

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai

The Middle East Asia have many interesting thing. But I think most interesting thing is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Because that building is the tallest building in whole world. The Khalifa mean is the tower. The Burj Khalifa’s construction began on september 21, 2004 and the structure completed in October 1, 2009 and the building open in January 4, 2010. The Burj Khalifa height is 808m(2,651ft)!!!!! Do you want visit Burj Khalifa in Dubai?

07 November, 2014

Atlantis Palm Island In Dubai

It would be so amazing if I could stay at the underwater resort Atlantis on palm island, in Dubai for at least one night since it’s super expensive! Did you know that the place has a wide selection of things it do, like go to there huge water park, and  go to there bay and hang out, and admire their fascinating aquariums? They also plan weddings there and events/parties. Another thing is their luxurious spa! You can be soothed from your head to your toes! Also for all those busy parents they have babysitting services, and for teens a place called the zone. In fact Atlantis is so awesome that they have many restaurants spread all over the palm tree shaped island open at any time of day. The hotel has three huge floors, the second floor being the main floor, and turns out only the first floor is underwater. There are all kinds of rooms you can get depending on how much you pay for. Now are you with me on wanting to stay at Dubai palm island Atlantis for at least one night?

The Burj Khalifa

I think Burj Khalifa is the most interesting tower in the world. It is in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It l is the tallest tower in the world. It is over 2,715.5 feet tall and has more than 160 stories. I have actually been to the top of the Burj Khalifa (not really, we were at the observation deck). I also got to see an amazing colorful light show.  What tower is the most interesting to you? 

Israel The Wailing Wall!

Out of all the countries in southwest Asia I thought Israel was the most interesting. The population of Israel is mostly jewish. It is on the east coast of the Mediterranean sea.  Israel has beautiful beaches and lots of historical places.  One of the most interesting historical landmarks is called the “Wailing Wall”.  You can find this wall in the Old Quarter of East Jerusalem.  The Jewish community believes that the “Wailing Wall” is actually the Western Wall of the Second Temple.  Many people, not just jews, go to visit the wall because they believe it to be a sacred place.  People pray at the wall and even write down their prayers and slip them into the wall.  I would love to see the Wailing Wall because I think it is a beautiful ancient landmark.  And I am jewish and would like to see some jewish history.   Would you like to take your prayers to the Wailing Wall?

Snow Storms Continue In Israel - Uriel Sinai/Stringer/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Underwater awesomeness

Dubai is so AWESOME! Guess what they have an underwater hotel which is found on there man-made island called Atlantis The Palm. It is underwater because it is sort of based on the greek gods Poseidon and Neptune and the loss city. It is the perfect hideaway and is very elegant. It is also made of glass so you can see underwater life ( isn’t that cool ). I don’t know the the prices though. Would you like to visit here I know I would?

Dubai, the richest country in the world

The coolest place in the is Dubai.  Dubai’s officers get Lamborghini police cars and Dubai has the Burj Khalifa. Dubai policemen get Lamborghini because Dubai is a rich country money and almost everyone has fast and good cars, so the policemen needs faster cars to catch the bad guys in pursuit. The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world and the elevators in the building have to go fast in order to get to the top of the building in time. Wouldn't you want a Lamborghini?

The Trouble Of Traveling

Did you know that your nationality could affect how easy or hard you're traveling will be. For example if your from Palestine and you need to travel you’ll have a LONG day. First of all you need to wake up at  5:00 Am or sometimes earlier just to catch a bus that go to the first border when you arrive you have to pay a lot of money to get to the next border when you get to your next border you have to wait at least 2 hours to get to your next bus and you might think they would be waiting because of traffic, no you have to wait because the soldiers said you have to wait but after a long day you go to the last border which is located in Jordan to pay more money and get your luggage, after a long day you will arrive Jordan and then go to your airport or something. Have you EVER had this much TROUBLE traveling?

Iraq On Fleek!

Since the Iraq war started in 2003 from 2011 over half a million have been killed. On March 19, 2003, U.S started to invade Iraq. Troops launched air and amphibious assault on the Al-Faw peninsula to secure the oil fields there and the important ports. By the time the last military vehicle crossed from Iraq to Kuwait, 4,484 U.S ser­vice mem­bers had died in Ir­aq, and 32,200 were wounded. An es­tim­ated 104,000 to 113,000 Ir­aqi ci­vil­ians died. Hearing all of this makes me not want to be in the army, its seems really scary. Do you want to be in the army?

06 November, 2014

Israel, the Small and the Successful

Israel is a very interesting place in the Middle East. I think this because, obviously, that’s the country Jesus was born (and more). Did you know its the 100th smallest country in the world? Yet being so small, it has the highest ratio of college degrees in the world. Israel has the largest number of startup companies in the world. Israel has the highest percentage in the world of home computers per person. I thought this was interesting. Pretty successful for being so small isn’t it?

The Holy City!

The Holy City!

The special place I chose is Jerusalem. Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world and is holy to Christians, Judaism, and Islam. It is considered to be the most holy city in the world! It is holy to Christians because that is where Jesus Christ occasionally traveled as a child, preached to the poor in his adult life, crucified in the end of his life, and resurrected by God. It is holy to Islam because they believe that is where Muhammad ascended into heaven and was given the 5 pillars of Islam from Allah, which is still used today. It is holy to Judaism because the memory of the city was a driving force that shaped the destinies of figures in Judaism, such as Yehuda Halevi. My challenge to you is to look up the major figures in each religion.  See you guys in the next blog.

Did Someone Say Shopping?!?!

Did you know that Dubai has the largest shopping mall in the world? This mall has an aquarium, catwalk, Olympic sized ice rink and galleries with entertainment for your entire family, so cool!! Emarr Malls Group is the developer of this mall, they must be getting a lot of coins. There's over 1,200 stories, over 12 million sq ft, and 14,000 parking spaces. When this mall opened on November 4, 2008, Edmarr was aiming for 15 million tourist. The aquarium has over 33,000 aquatic animals, including sharks and rays. There's also an adjoining 5-star hotel, wow this hotel is luxury!!!

It's Travel Time!!!

         If I could go to any two places in the Middle East I would go to the Dubai Mall and Jumeirah Beach Hotel.  I would go to Dubai Mall because it has EVERYTHING from food to clothes to shoes. Dubai Mall even has it's own aquarium, ice skating rink, and movie theater! The best thing about Dubai Mall is they embrace a bunch of awesome styles from around the world! I could live in this place! I would also go to Jumeirah Beach Hotel because it not only has a white sand beach but, it also has  unlimited access to Wild Wadi Waterpark! Wild Wadi Waterpark was the first water park to become ISO certified and won the 2007 Dubai Quality Award Gold! If you don't feel like riding water rides at Jumeirah Beach Hotel you could scuba dive instead! I definitely know where I want to go for my next vacation! Where do you want to go for your next vacation?

Saudi Arabia's natural gas and Petroleum

 Saudi Arabia has 16% of oil reserves in the world. The giant Gharwar field contains approximately 75 million barrels of oil. Saudi Arabia is the biggest oil producer in the world and is the second largest petroleum exporter to the United States. Last year millions barrels of petroleum per day was produced.

Think about it, if every day millions of barrels of oil are extracted, wouldn't it soon be gone? Without oil our cars and planes wouldn't run, and no plastics would be made. Can you find and name a least ten things in your class which would not exist if we had no oil, petroleum, or natural gas?

Wow, Difficult.

Imagine going to a place like this for vacation! Isn’t it absolutely breathtaking? This is called the Baha'i Gardens and Golden Dome. A famous tour attraction in Haifa, Israel. This is where members of the Baha’i faith has had their shrine. The people that volunteer there demonstrate their love for the prophet, Baha'ullah, by praying to him. The Golden Dome was built in 1953. It has granite pillars, and Italian marble walls with a 40- meter high high dome covered in about 14,000 gold-coated bricks. Then there's the garden. This work of art has a beautiful variety of plants with a zen feeling to it. The garden has three entrances. One from the top of the mountain, another in the middle which leads to the shrine, and last the one at the bottom. This guides you in the German Colony where you can see all the astonishing architecture and history. When you climb the stairs and look down you get this ravishing view of the ocean and garden. Seriously, tell me some reasons why you wouldn’t want to go there?


Adam Sandler will Always be Jewish!!!

         Israel is one of the many countries in the Middle East. It has a third of the world’s Jewish population living there. To be Jewish, the Judaism religion has to be passed through the mother to child, not from the father to child. In other words, your mother has to be Jewish for you to be Jewish. One of the holidays that Jews celebrate is Hanukkah, which I’m sure you guys know. Hanukkah is celebrated on eight different days every year. This year, Hanukkah is being celebrated on December 16th through December 24th. Starting on the first night of Hanukkah, you light the first candle on your menorah. A menorah is a special nine-branched candelabrum, and if you don’t know what a candelabrum is, here’s the definition- a large branched candlestick or holder for several candles. Each night of Hanukkah, an additional candle is placed in the Menorah from right to left, and then lit from left to right. Every time a candle is lit, you get an expensive present or money. On the last night, all the candles will be lit. Hanukkah sounds like a really fun and interesting holiday! Do you know of any fun or interesting holidays?    


In the next few years Dubai will be the place to go. Now we know Dubai is rich and has all these fancy, exciting places that you probably thought they couldn't top, but they just did. Right now Dubai is building a Mall of the World that will occupy 48 million sq feet, and will be in a climate controlled city. Dubai will do this by building the city inside a huge glass dome and have temperature controlled climates on streets. Now inside of the Mall of the World will be the world largest mall, medical centers, the worlds largest indoor theme park, a celebration of entertainment street, hotels with 20,000 rooms, and apartments. Now do you think this will boost their tourist income like Dubai hopes?

Religion to Amazing Sites

Israel, the first country that began Christianity, and Judaism. Jesus also taught people of Jerusalem Israel and that religion is still used today. There are also many things about Israel, like the amazing sites Tel Aviv-Yafo which is like the U.S’s New York, the Gethsemane Garden, and the Dead sea. These sites would be nice to see and especially the golden city. This country has many interesting things from religion, landmarks, and big cities. If you had to go to a country which one and why.      


The Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan is the largest space-launch center in the world. Although there has been many successful flights launched at the Cosmodrome, there has been one fail that I know of. That was the PAMELA. Let us focus on why it is famous. The Cosmodrome was the first space center to Launch a man into space. Also the first spacecraft sent to mars was launched from the Cosmodrome. The Cosmodrome was actually the test site for the first intercontinental ballistic missile. Why don’t you tell me about the other reasons that the Cosmodrome is famous? That way we all learn even more.

Dubai Dolphin Bay

Atlantis in Dubai is a marine and water park center. Whole you are there you can spend the day at Dolphin Bay and  play with the dolphins. When you are swimming with the dolphins, you can go on a boogie board and the dolphins with push you with their nose on your feet. They also have a water park and an awesome river ride that is 1.6  kilometers long. If you had the chance to do to the Dubai Atlantis, would you go? (They also have Starbucks if that influences your decision)

the hotel of glory. hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the middle east there is a hotel called the burj al arab jumeirah and it is one of the most luxurious hotels in the world it is in the shape of a sail and it is located on an artificial island about 920 ft from jumeirah beach and is connected to the mainland by a private curving bridge.  It is the third tallest hotel in the world but about 39% of its height in not living space.  To secure the hotels foundation, the builders drove 230 130-foot-long concrete piles into the sand.
If you could would you go there?


The Middle East is interesting for many things, but I’m here to talk about food. When you think about food from the Middle East, what do you think about? Hummus perhaps? Hummus is probably the most popular food in the Middle East. Along with hummus, there are many other great foods there such as tahini, falafel, tabouleh, pits bread, baklawa, babaghannouj, foul mudammes, and turkish delights. I bet you’ve heard of turkish delights, right? that’s because they are a type of candy, and probably the most loved in the Middle East. Have you ever had one of the foods I’ve talked about?

Climbing Wadi Rum!

Many people enjoy climbing Wadi Rum!

The Middle East is a very interesting place, believe it or not, but I found something super interesting. Rock climbing in the middle east is not that big, due to not to many big mountains and boulders, but some determined climbers found Wadi Rum. Wadi Rum is a challenge, but 21,463 people climbed it, according to my sources. The elevation is quite high, too-5755 feet! The seasons for climbing Wadi Rum are spring, winter, and fall. I guess this means that the conditions are too sweltering hot in the summer! I think someday I may be advanced enough to climb Wadi Rum, but are you?

How to get a free Lamborghini

Did you know that Dubai Police Officers have super cars like a Lamborghini! Well they do! Here one of the big problems in law enforcement is losing the person in a high speed chase if they have a better car and most places don’t have fast cars in America but Dubai is the richest country so the police have to be fast if the people are fast.Most people in Dubai have really fast cars and it is a very spectacular sight! What is the fastest or coolest car you have seen?


If I was in the Midd.. oops South Asia and was needing entertainment I might want to climb the mountains in the Himalaya's.  I don't mountain climb as a hobby but it looks fun. I would of course train for a while.  Also I wouldn't dare climb Mount Everest that has an elevation of 29,029’ (he-he that’s so easy to remember). If I climb a high enough mountain with enough elevation I might want to rent a squirrel suit, it costs ~$1,000. :( Who knows what a squirrel suit is before looking at the video? ( BE HONESTEST)

Traveling in the Middle East

The country I think is interesting in the Middle East because of Israel and its major city, Tel Aviv. There are lots of fun things to do in Tel Aviv, one of them would be going to an African safari in Israel! People explain that this zoo is “ Africa in the heart of Israel”, there is more than 250 acres of land. If you love animals you would be in the right place that zoo has an amazing amount of 1,600 animals. Where will you go next?

Israel Religion Gardens???

Israel was a very interesting place with an interesting history too. My favorite part of their history is when Jesus Christ lived on earth. The reason is because Jesus performed miracles for the people. Jesus is the Son of God who created the heavens and the earth. Israel has a beautiful garden called the Garden of Gethsemane. The garden still lives today and is very beautiful. My question for you is, "Can you believe that the garden is still there after 2000 years?"
Wear headphones or ear buds.

Who Said Shopping Isn't A Sport?????

I think this is so cool and interesting! Here in Dubai holds the world’s largest shopping mall. In this mall there is an ice rink, a cinema, Dubai Dinos, an aquarium and many other things. How cool is this? When people say shopping isn’t a sport they should go look up the Dubai Mall and then come and say they were wrong.Of course they still have clothing stores 1,200 to be exact and places to eat on your way around this huge mall. The Dubai Mall also known as the World’s largest shopping mall is the most visited mall around. I holds the record for being the largest mall. So, if you’re in Dubai you should take a trip down to this mall for some fun indoors. One day I hope to visit this wonderful place, wouldn’t you?

What a boring vacation.

 The Palm Tree islands. One of the world’s phenomenon. No, the islands aren't made of palm trees. In fact, it's all man made! The base of the islands is entirely on sand and rocks. The construction on this began in 2001, and was intended to maximize beachfront property. Well, all we can say now is that the intended sales pitch worked.
Now where is this incredible thing found? In Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The palms were built by the state owned company Nakheel. The first two palms are part of a three palm construction plan. The third palm was going to be called Palm Deira. But in 2009 the construction was cancelled. Now there is a  Deira Island.

In 2013, Nakheel announced that the Palm Deira project would continue. It hasn’t.

                       Palm Jumeirah                                               Palm Jebel Ali

                                               Deira Island

Think about it, how would you like to vacation in Dubai?

The Flipping Turks'

Göksu ÜçtaÅŸ was the first ever Turkish Olympic gymnast. She competed in the 2012 Summer Olympics at age 21, but due to an injury she could only compete beam. Göksu competes a switch leap, back tuck leap series, front and side aerials, full turn, split jump, wolf jump jump series, and a front tuck dismount She scored a 11.325. The skills she competed were not difficult. Though, before she got hurt she did a back handspring layout series and a round-off double back dismount instead of a front tuck.  Getting hurt can really reflect on how you preform. Have got ever gotten hurt before a big event or game in your life?
(after injury.) (before injury)

Weird Places to Sleep in Dubai

The 1st weird hotel to stay at is the JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Dubai. It is the tallest hotel in the world. This luxurious 1,608 room hotel is 100 ft. taller than the Eiffel Tower. The second outrageous place to stay at is Dubai’s Water Discus Hotel. The people who stay here are given the option to sleep underwater. If you sleep under water you get a phenomenal view of the sea creatures. The next  crazy place  to stay is the Dubai Floor. The Dubai Floor via a private lift to find they have their own spa and hair salon, three private kitchens, a cinema and the services of a private chauffeur, chef and butler. Which hotel would you stay at?


I if could visit anywhere in the Middle East it would definitely be Dubai. Dubai see ms like a nice place to visit. They have the tallest building in the word, Burj Khalifa, their police cars ar Lamborghinis, and they have a huge fountain called the Dubai Fountain. Dubai is located on the Persian Gulf, has lots of beaches, a zoo and a universal studios. I think that Dubai would be a great place to visit. Do you?

The World's Tallest Building

Burj Khalifa has been the tallest building in the world since 2010. The building is in Dubai. It is also known as Burj Dubai. “Burj” is Arabic for “Tower”. It is 828 meters tall and had 163 floors. The tower is on a man-made lake that is designed to wrap around the tower and provide dramatic views of it. At the top of the building is a public viewing deck. I think that standing in the viewing area would be really cool, do you?

Shop till ya drop!

The Dubai Mall is the world’s biggest shopping mall.  They have an indoor theme park, a skating rink, and of course clothes! The Dubai Mall also has an underwater zoo/ and aquarium.  There is  gateway which goes through the mall and into the tallest building in the world, also known as Blurj Khalifa. There is an indoor theater which plays the most the most recent movies let out around the world. This mall kind of reminds me of the 12 Oaks mall, ever been there?  It’s pretty awesome just like the Dubai Mall. Would you like to go shop till ya drop in the Dubai Mall?

A City stuck in the past.

Located on the East half of Egypt Luxor is a city stuck in the past. First off the city
Is a  full of ancient sculptures and buildings.When you enter the city you’re greeted with gigantic statues representing gods.The CIty is literally is close or exactly the same as it was 500 years ago.Though no building in the area has been removed there were some that were added like restaurants stores and tours.This is area is also a group of cities that are close to the nile. The area is heavily populated and eventually rise when tourist come to visit during Summer vacation and spring break.If you had a choice to go here would you?