11 November, 2016

Donald Trump for the president: awesome or awful?

 On 11/8/2016, after the election, Donald John Trump was known as the next president, and he will take office as the 45th President on January 20, 2017.  He also is one of the Republican. But there are some bad and good things he'll do for America(like every president before), so let's talk about them. ( Want to know more about him? Click here)

Image result for trump

The good things that Trump will do for America:
1. He is a business man, so he know much about the business, he can make the business of America great.
2. He'll bring people together as a group, and it will be much stronger as a group than single one.
3. He'll tough on ISIS, which means there will be a big war between U.S. and ISIS, and if U.S. destroy ISIS, the world will be safer.

Image result for trump

The bad things that Trump will do for America:
1. He plans to build a great, great wall between Mexico and U.S.(and Mexico will pay for that!) , and that might make a war (or cold war)between two countries, and there are less Mexican food in U.S.!
2. He is a business man, maybe he is not good at politics, then he'll make the government mess.
3. He doesn't listen to anyone, so that maybe causes he'll do things he likes but not things people like.
So that's what I think about Donald Trump, and something that he maybe will do for America.

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