09 November, 2016

Trump VS. Clinton

Hello everyone,

I am wondering how it was possible that Donald Trump won. I was really happy when Hillary Clinton was in the lead but when I woke up and heard that Trump won I became very disappointed. I did not like either of the candidates but I think Clinton was better. I question if Trump will be assassinated. I don't like having Trump or his wife representing our country. This was the first year that I was interested in the election because of the horrible candidates. The worst thing about this election was that someone had to win. I believe that America made a bad choice and some will regret their decision. I think that my family's life will not be better but I do not know what he is going to do.
Although I am not happy with the results we have to live with it. If Trump can't make America great again we can.
Image result for donald trumpImage result for trump funny wall just practicing

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture on the right! I am so nervous that on my sweet sixteen I will be in a bomb shelter. I hope that when other country's they see grills and fireplaces, not racists and war. The part that really worries me is the fact that he brought out so much hate in America. What do you think will happen?


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