13 November, 2016

I hope I can go back to my home country next year

Hey people's of the America

Now I am not so into politics I could care less to who wins (usually). But this time I cared (sort of). Mainly because I just straight up don't like trump. I mean he's not afraid of saying what he thinks and he's not afraid of doing really what he want's. But that's not good since that could lead to potential destruction to us or either other places. Now I very much dislike Americas choice because trump doesn't necessarily know politics he doesn't know what he's going to do. He is just a business man. Yes he is successful but just because he was a very successful business man doesn't mean he is fit for office. I mean it's like trying to fit a triangle into a circular shaped hole... IT OBVIOUSLY ISN'T FIT FOR IT! Now I already know how trump is going to affect my life and my families lives it has already happened I can't say what happened but it wasn't anything good. At the same time he can't do everything he say's he's going to do because think about it, It's basically like a class president in a school. The class president say's he's going to have it so there is no homework but they can't do that exactly like trump he can't do everything he say's he's going to do. So do you think that trump is good for president? or is he like someone who is trying to fix a broken car and doesn't know anything about engineering and is just making it worse.

1 comment:

  1. I hope everything is OK with your family. Trump certainly said some awful things about immigrants and I am ashamed that Americans put him into office.


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