10 November, 2016

Trump V.S Hillary

Trump won presidency which I disagree with because my whole family is democratic and my grandparents love Hillary. My aunt is democratic and needs to be because she is in the hospital and needs democrat to pay for it. My grandpa had a stroke so he is also in the hospital and my grandma needs Hillary so they can have help paying for it. My thoughts on this election is that our country should be disappointed in themselves for choosing Trump. I think America made this choice because they thought he could be better and could help our country ( which i disagree with). So what were your thoughts on this election?

Image result for trump


  1. I liked how you managed to put a personal relation to your blog, relating to you grandparents, and family members that need Obama care and Hillary Clinton. I also agree with your statement on how Donald Trump probably won't make America Great Again. Overall, i liked your post and your reasoning behind it.

  2. Your perspective on this topic is very interesting since you related choosing a democratic good president for family needs.Like how you said your Grandfather had a stroke and depended on Hilary Clinton to help pay for it. There also will be a huge change for many citizens since Trump is supposedly going to destroy things like Obama Care and I wonder what will happen to the large amount of people that depended on it?


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