09 November, 2016

Today, I am not proud of my country.

Today, I am disappointed in my country. Last night, America elected its next president, they chose the Republican nominee, Donald Trump. Although I find politics interesting, I STRONGLY disagree with this decision. I have a question America; what does this decision mean for muslims, women, the LGBT community, immigrants, the disabled and african americans? What does this mean for the countless people that Donald bashes each day. Why did you elect a president that treats women like objects? I don't want to live in a world where I am considered less than my male peers. It proves to me what this country is made of, the people that make up America. As children, we are taught to not be a bully, to be kind and generous, to share and not to be cocky. How are children supposed to learn those skills when a bully is our new president. Why did we do this? Well, I have a theory. Some of the people in America have a interesting view of the government. They believe that it is too controlling. That may be why this country elected a man who had no experience in politics. We went from having an african american president to a racist president (in my opinion).  It affects me for the fact that I am a woman. I have to listen to a man verbally hurt women and girls. I also worry for the other people that will be hurt by this decision. Refugees, muslims, immigrants, african americans, women, the disabled and the LGBT community will be negatively affected by this man that will bully us. What has America done? On this day, I am not proud of the United State's decision. What do you think about our country's decision?


  1. I agree with everything that you said.I think the President of America should be a perfect role model for Americans.He doesn't respect women and see them as objects that he can use money to buy.He is very racist towards african americans and asians. What will children think when they see Donald Trump's behavior?

  2. I agree with your point of view. After everything Donald Trump has said, I think he shouldn't be qualified for president. He has claimed he would break all deals that the previous president has made and he will discriminate different races because he doesn't trust them. I think he really will start World War III. Sometimes I wonder if Russia did actually hack the election votes and change them to favor Donald Trump.

  3. Chloe, this was a compelling, well-written post. I feel the same way as you, and now have vowed to do whatever I can to make sure that his hurtful, mean-spirited words do not do more damage than they already have. I love that you advocate for women...AND for all of the rest of the groups that you spoke up for. We need more people like you! You are a fantastic young lady and I want you to see the damage that was done to the glass ceiling. I want it shattered for good long before you become eligible to run for president, but know that it is your actions today that can alter our course. Keep being a thinker AND a doer! I'm proud of you...
    ~Mr. H


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