10 November, 2016

Make America Hillary Again!

Wow. What a night! After a lot of waiting, Donald Trump made a speech claiming his presidency. My thoughts about this presidency is that Trump should not have won this election. I say this because the first female president would have been a huge step for this country. I also think that Donald Trump is a sexist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic person as well. I was really interested in this election because I thought that Trump running was a joke, but Hillary winning made me have hope in the election. I have lost faith in America because I thought Hillary was in the lead, but it took a turn for the worse after a while. What did you think about the election?

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I am devastated at the idea of this man running the free world. I totally agree with you, he is a sexist, racist, misogynistic and homophobic person. The things he says are, to me, appalling. He treats women like objects and makes fun of people that are disabled. I agree, a female president would be AMAZING and a big step in the right direction for America. I am not happy with America's decision, but we have to live with it I guess. Let's just hope that he can't handle the responsibilities of being the president of the united states. Trump is completely and udderly a joke. Do you think he can handle the stress of being president?😃


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