10 November, 2016

R.I.P America

To be honest, I'm EXTREMELY disappointed in the choices of our fellow Americans. I was hoping to be the generation that lived during the first African-American president and the first woman president, well only one of those happened and it wasn't the girl president. I was quite interested in the process of getting the president but the outcome is not what I suspected. To be honest, I have no idea how Trump got elected or how most people in America ended up voting for Trump. But, we just have to remember that some people have different beliefs than others and we can't change that.  Who did you want to win the election?

1 comment:

  1. Wow Alex! I totally agree with you! Instead of getting a person who talks about disregarding woman, we could finally have one as a president! I know that Hillary Clinton has had some mistakes but she is like a 😎 compared to him. Luckily there are a few bright sides. We should have a good US Russia relationship and if Hillary Clinton made a mistake than they would blame it on her been a girl. That would make it harder for a woman to be elected again! I hope that put a night light in the horror film of our life starting January. It is so not right!


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