09 November, 2016

Well, I'm moving to Canada

My thoughts on this day is that it will upset our first few presidents, because Trump is going to make America worse than worse. I'm interested in this process because it decides the president and if we have a bad president (maybe Trump) America would crumble. I think that America's choice is not good because they are supporting someone who is racist, talks badly about women, says Mexicans are rapists, and that there should be no gay and lesbian couples. So if you like Trump explain to your gay, lesbian, Hispanic, Muslim and girl friends why you voted for Rump, I mean Trump. I think America made this choice because they forgave Trump from saying all the bad things about people. I think my family will do better because our business will grow more and Trump has nothing against Asians. What are your thoughts about Trump

1 comment:

  1. You make a very good point here..."So if you like Trump explain to your gay, lesbian, Hispanic, Muslim and girl friends why you voted for Rump, I mean Trump." I wonder what the response would be.


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