09 November, 2016

Why America Made The Wrong Choice

America made the wrong choice.Why? because we let trump win the election, and now he's going to be president in 2017. I feel that trump didn't have any of the right criteria to be president. Hillary At Least had experience. I feel that people are not very smart for electing trump.If i could vote, i would not vote for trump.in October, it seemed like we were going to have a woman as president,but then the election took most by surprise.Hillary would have been a much smarter choice,because she actually had smart ideas on how to run this country. I am not happy with this election, and  think Hillary should have won.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you Alison! Donald Trump has no experience as anything political whatsoever, and Hilary Clinton had some. You were also right about how people thought that Hilary Clinton was going to be the first women president in October, and many, many people were very surprised when they found out Donald Trump was president. Do you think Hilary Clinton is going to run for president in 2020?


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