09 November, 2016

I Personally Think We Were Doomed Either Way...My Thoughts on the Election.

So...We have a new president of the United States. Yep. Great. Just great. Mr. President Donald Trump has won the election with two-hundred and eighty-eight electoral votes. What do I think of this result? To be honest we were doomed either way, so I guess that there is not much of a difference. The process was certainly...interesting, but I would not go out of my way to learn more about it. I don't really have a strong opinion on the choice the Americans made. I do not think much of it and I would prefer that it would stay that way. But if I had to tell you, it would be that it wasn't the worst decision that they could make. There are plenty of other decisions that is worse. Like choosing to buy a slice of cheese pizza instead of a pepperoni pizza. Unless of course, you're a vegan or a vegetarian. Anyway, the choice we had was a lose-lose. From my point of view, many of the people that voted, voted depending on who they think was worse. My life, or my family's life, will most likely not change. Just because the president we now have is...well...unfair towards certain people, it doesn't mean that it will dramatically change a family's life. But if you had the chance to vote, who would you choose?

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with you on most of this stuff. Though, I would probably vote for Clinton. The problem is, I CANNOT VOTE! I feel like my family's life probably wouldn't change either. Just because it's a new president doesn't mean everyone's lives will change
    dramatically. As I said earlier if I could vote I would vote for
    Clinton, but no one's life will change dramatically. Would you want to be president of the United States of America? Your post was really good by the way.


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