10 November, 2016


I think that everything that has happened over the past day is crazy. I think that america has set us up to fail. I don't think we should have trump as our president because he has no experience on what to do. I think that America should think of what might happen to the US if we have a president who has no idea of what to do, say, or how to resolve a conflict. The americans choose to support Trump and I am fine with that they choose whoever they want, but what I don’t like is that Trump has no political experience. I think that my life will not really change that much because Trump can’t control everything. Some people might think that since Trump doesn’t have any experience it will be different, but all of our presidents have been male so if Hillary won we would have our first female president. Well since us children can’t do anything about this why not just try to focus on what affects us right now. Well this was an interesting election. Anyways, would you want to be president for the US, why or why not?
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