09 November, 2016

The Election, the Final Results(please, don't cry), and the Opinions of an average Muggle child

On November 8th 2016, a certain person was given the ultimate title of "President of the US." That person is... Donald J. Trump!

Donald Trump (Republican) had around 276 electoral votes, and Hillary Clinton (Democrat) had around 218 electoral votes. Let this sink in...

A juvenile male muggle woke up, around 6am- 7am on a Wednesday, November 11th, 2016.  A juvenile female walks into his room a couple seconds after he woke up.
"Donald Trump has been elected president." she says casually. From the female's point of view, the male just shrugged. But deep deep inside of the male, it's like she said that you're going to be thrown into the Hunger Games with Voldemort and Darth Maul (equipped with their respectful weapons of choice) and there are dinosaurs and flesh eating Pokemon hidden throughout the arena. Good luck. That male muggle is me (the female is my younger sister).  I don't really understand why America would choose a man who mocks handicapped people and calls woman "pigs." Even with his apologies. He would apologize half-heartedly and then criticize the opposing side. This man wants to build a stinking wall to separate Mexico with USA. Walls cost billions. Where will this man get the money? Truthfully, I think either he'll milk the money from American citizens, or force the Mexican governments to pay for the wall. I don't really think that Donald J. Trump would be a decent president. What do YOU think?


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