09 November, 2016

The Election of Trump, a Mystery To Be Sure.

As I try to question America's opinion on who should be, and now is the president, I have become confused.  Who in their right mind would willingly vote for Mr. Donald Trump.  Even as a twelve year old American citizen I have seen and had my fill of arguments about politics but I think that it is only natural that there is some amount of debate.  I liked Hillary Clinton because her visions for our country were clear and they would make our country a better place.  At least that is my opinion, even though America has made it clear what they wanted and I would like to show my respect for my country's opinion.  A new fear is boiling inside of me, what if no more women will run for president because the first woman, Hillary Clinton didn't make it to the position of President even though she was very qualified.  In conclusion I would just like to put out there that I personally think that Hillary Clinton should have been the elect of the United States.

1 comment:

  1. One will someday for sure, someday soon I hope. But I do understand how that would be hard to imagine given how Hillary was much, much more prepared and qualified to lead, yet America made a different choice. It truly is hard to swallow that pill.


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