09 November, 2016

Why is this president is not a she?

I have many opinions on this election, but one thing is for sure, this election did not end the way I would have thought it would. After watching many news reports, with many predictions, many Americans could already see the new president, being, the lady. If could vote, I would definitely have chosen the lady of the election, Hillary Clinton, however, in all honesty, I do not like either Candidates. Talking very seriously, if Michelle Obama, were to come into the  race I would have enjoyed this election. My opinion that I strongly agree with, is that, I am very disappointed in America. He said he was going to change things up, sometimes change is good, but this is not in the "good" area. He has no, whats so ever, military background, or even a political background, unlike every other president. Is this really what America wants? A person who has no military or political background, a person who disrespected the opposite gender, a person who wants to push out "illegal" immigrants, a person  who remarried more times I can count. Is this the person America wants? To sum things up, I am disappointed in America. If people can see how change is bad, why can't you? America.
Image result for presidents

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with everything you just said. I think the election would have been better if Michelle Obama did do more speeches. I do think this change is bad because he will do some very stupid things, along with the fact that he has said some very inappropriate things about woman.


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