09 November, 2016

What I think about this election

                          My first thoughts on this election is how do you vote for a man like this, how do you think he will make this country better. Another thing I thought is have you even heard the thing he says about woman I'm truly just speechless. At first I was not that interested but then after a while I got more into it. What I think of America's choice is just again how do vote for a man like this. I do not know he will affect our families yet but I am very anxious to find out. My question for you is what do you think he could have done better.


  1. I highly agree with your idea, especially with your idea of disrespecting the opposite gender. I am still questioning why people are voting for a person like this. I also do not now how he will change or affect our future. This "president" can make many ideas, some will probably better than others, but one thing is for sure, America disappointed me, a lot.

  2. Devin, you are so very right! As a girl, I understand the struggle and horrors that women face when they hear or see what Trump has said about them, and it is so great of you to include that in your article! I think Donald Trump could have been much more empathetic about immigrants, women, and people who don't have as much money as him. He must remember that not everyone has millions of dollars like him. Have you ever agreed with something he has said?

  3. Excellent job standing up for others...I appreciate you.


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