10 November, 2016

Really America? Him?! I'm embarrassed.

Hey Guys!

Politics are for sure my least favorite topic. We talk about it since January, it tears people apart, all it is is arguing.  You never get people sitting at Starbucks or Big B discussing politics. Do you know why? Well it is because if you disagree you start fighting, or everybody just leaves the area because people just keep hitting the same points, about why they are right and you are wrong. Now, I do have an opinion about politics,I just like to use my time talking about other things.

I absolutely hate Donald J Trump's character. He does not care about women's rights,  he even talks about assaulting them. Also, he has no real experience in the field, for all I know he might try to cheat off other country's instead of making a treaty. Finally he has no respect for other cultures.

When I woke up this morning my mom told me the dreaded news. I was just completely shocked, and  I thought... WOW this country just pushed its self into a very deep hole. I mean if america is that full of such big racists and sexist than we have a big problem. I hope that woman's still get to keep their rights. In 4 years I will be 16, I hope America is still a safe nice environment then. America what have you done?

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it sad to think of the number of people that condoned bullying, misogyny, racism and xenophobia?
    : (


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