09 November, 2016

The Presidential Election

So, I was interested in the election. It happened to turn out not the way I was hoping, though. I'm pretty disappointed in the results. I think America made this choice because they were mad about what was going on in the election, so they acted rashly by voting for Trump.
Trump being president will make everyone's lives much, much worse than they used to be. Trump has many promises and intentions, but they aren’t realistic. He wants to build a wall, but that will cost billions of dollars for workers, materials, clearing land for the wall, and lots more. Trump expects Mexico to pay for it, but they won't so America would have to pay for it. America doesn’t have the extra billions of dollars to just throw around for useless things.
The lives of the people of America will change for sure. Negatively. Although many of the laws and antics Trump tries to pass, the government will veto most if they’re smart. But the ones that do somehow get through, they will affect the USA greatly. In conclusion, Trump is a self-centered, greedy, racist, sexist man who will ruin America.

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