09 November, 2016

Why Trump?!?!!

You may be wondering why I am sad because of the elections, well I'm very disappointed that Trump one the election. I personally don't think that Trump will make a good president, but now I have no choice but to live with it. I think that Clinton would make a way better president than Trump, but other people tough differently. I think that America could have made a better decision because he is really racist, and I don't think that his ideas are great, and it would take t. This morning I turn on the TV and the first thing that saw was that Trump was president, and I was in shock and I thought this cannot be happening. Then my mom came down stairs and I started to cry because that I found out he was president and I was really upset. What do all of you think about Trump being president?

1 comment:

  1. What do I think? I think we have a long way to go as a country.


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