09 November, 2016


Mr. Donald Jonathan Trump is now the president of the United States of America. I am excited that Mr. trump is now president of the united states. I like trump because he will live up to what he says and since he is a businessman and is good with money he might bring back our economy and grow businessmen. I also sort of agree with some of his policies but I also disagree with some of the things he does and did.


  1. How do you feel about the way he treats women? I understand he is a businessman and may be ok with money, but in my opinion, money isn't the only thing a president should handle, what about kindness? Is one of the policies that you disagree with the wall? Personally, I do not believe that is a great idea. I believe Trump is sexist and racist. What are your opinion concerning him and his beliefs and ways he treats women, the LGBT community, disabled, hispanics and african americans?

  2. I totally agree with Chloe. And lil_ronnie_kinz_m, he may be good with money, but really, America depends on our future generations and if we have a president like that which kids will have to look up to and grow up with and become like him. I believe that America is starting on the path of destruction. Do you really want the next generation of Americans to be just like him?

  3. I respect your opinions as to what you believe the new president will accomplish. I also appreciate and feel the same way as both Chloe and Aubrey. What are your thoughts as to the questions they posed about his character and beliefs?


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