10 November, 2016

Trump is Better

Personally i would vote for Trump because he's better than Hillary. I think that Hillary would just be a mini Hitler, she would not do anything she said she would and she would just kill everyone. Trump might just be a good president. If he doesn't start any wars. Their is protests for Trump and if Hillary won their would not be protests. That just shows how some people are . Would you have voted for Trump or Hillary?

1 comment:

  1. Personally I disagree with you, and go with Hillary Clinton and she wouldn't be a mini Hitler. Trump isn't going to get anything done and I think that she would get a lot done. Trump says that he is going to build a wall which I think isn't a great idea, and anyways he probably won't get that done either. Also on top of that he wants Mexico to pay for it which he can't do anyways because he doesn't own Mexico so he can't make them do that. Also Trump really isn't experienced like Clinton, so I think that he is going to be one of the worst presidents we ever had. Why do you think that Trump will make a good president?


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