09 November, 2016

Donald Trump: I'd Say He Was a Conspiracy, But It Wasn't a Secret

Well... it happened. The dreaded, dreaded day has finally dwelled upon us and left itself standing in the midst of our sorrow, and will stay there for the next unpredictable four years. Personally, I think that even though the unthinkable happened, we are all going to be okay. If you sit for a minute and ponder America's history, the people, of any race, beliefs, and thoughts on the world have (most of the time) under the view of a 12 year old, had an astute opinion in our future.  We must call to mind that the citizens do have power in the government of our nation. We can and will influence the proposal that Mr. Trump has for our country, so not everything's set the minute he blurts something out. Even though the majority of senate and government is republican, we still must have hope for the fortune of us. If you are under the impression that I am okay with all this and not freaking out than by all means, please reread the beginning of this article, and keep an open mind. America's choice is America's choice and we must respect that, but I believe we could have thought this all through a little bit more. For example, social media has had a big impact on voters and their decision, or if they even voted or not. It is natural instinct for humans to follow the bigger group, so that affected the outcome. I believe that some Americans voted for Trump because they, bless their souls, because he told them things no one has ever told us. He said things no one has ever said. Mr. Donald John Trump showed us a shiny new plaque to hang proudly on our nation's wall of  presidential fame (or at least he applied), and many Americans couldn't fully see against  the brilliant glare of new ideas, but if they only could, they'd see the cracks it held. My family, friends, and schoolmates will be impacted by this somehow, good or bad (I'm not fully sure.) Overall, America will change maybe not a lot, but definitely a little in terms of population, politics, rights of immigrants and possibly women, and relationship with ally countries.

1 comment:

  1. Unpredictable at best! I sure hope he enacts policies that promote strong women like you, rather than treating them horribly as he has shown in his campaign. He needs to show by his actions that he is different than the awful, hateful words he has spewed.


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