10 November, 2016

Well Donald trump win the election...

The reason I think that Donald Trump makes America worse even worse because he wants to build a wall because the wall will be the most costly build in human history (even more than the great wall of China cause of steel and good material that won't break easily). Also, I think American's made a bad  dissension about for voting from Trump because President Obama said that Donald Trump will be the next most dangerous president in the history because of the war in Europe and  he may start World War 3 (I personally think).  I think a lot of people will move to Canada because there is a lot of people who hates Donald trump. So that's why I think that America is in danger, what do you think about this election?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Donald Trump is not a good president for America, or for anyone for that matter. He is a misogynistic, sexist and racist man and doesn't deserve the responsibility that comes with being the president of the free world. He is a dangerous, selfish bully of a man and won't make a good president. Clinton seemed much more reasonable to me. It is also a huge step in the right direction for Americans to elect the first female president. Also, I agree with you that the wall is a bad idea. We don't have the money to do something pointless like that. I can't believe America. What have they done? I'm glad that you dislike Trump. How do you feel about his comments about women and the disabled?


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