09 November, 2016

Grump Dump Trump WHY!?

Personally, I am just confused. Why would America vote for someone who calls women pigs and has no mercy for all the hardworking Mexicans out there who just want a better life. I get it. Some are bad, and we should block them out, but why build an entire wall just to do so?! I don't really like Hillary that much, but she would have been the better alternative because she already has done so many things for Americans and children while Trump keeps complaining that she needs to do more when he's underpaying hard working people. Thanks America. Thanks. Now we got Donald as our president. So. Thanks. Still, I suppose I accepted America's choice. Don't you think that if children ages 10 to 18 could also vote it would make a big difference?


  1. I agree. Donald Trump is a pathetic, racist, and sexist man. It's very hard for me to believe and accept that he was America's choice. I do think that children ages 10-18 should be able to vote because we would make a difference. Some of us are as educated on politics as much as adults, and if not, even more. If we're the future of America, why shouldn't we be able to get involved right now? Why can't adults realize this?

  2. I agree. Donald Trump does no think practical, and like you said some Mexican people do work hard and Trump just wants to ban all of them. If people 10-18 could vote there would probably be a very different vote turnout.

  3. Take heart ladies...look at the voting choices made by the 18-30 year old voters.


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