21 November, 2016

I Don't Care

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This is the first election I actually paid attention to. I was not very happy with how it went. It was really shocking to me to how competitive it was.  In my own opinion they both are just a big mess, but one thing i really don't like at all is how the little secrets that hillary has and they don't talk about.I mean don't get me wrong trump got some too but it seems that they talk all about his problems all over the news. On the other side they don't say much about hillary. Do you think that Trump does what he said and take the U.S.A and lift us up again?

13 November, 2016

I hope I can go back to my home country next year

Hey people's of the America

Now I am not so into politics I could care less to who wins (usually). But this time I cared (sort of). Mainly because I just straight up don't like trump. I mean he's not afraid of saying what he thinks and he's not afraid of doing really what he want's. But that's not good since that could lead to potential destruction to us or either other places. Now I very much dislike Americas choice because trump doesn't necessarily know politics he doesn't know what he's going to do. He is just a business man. Yes he is successful but just because he was a very successful business man doesn't mean he is fit for office. I mean it's like trying to fit a triangle into a circular shaped hole... IT OBVIOUSLY ISN'T FIT FOR IT! Now I already know how trump is going to affect my life and my families lives it has already happened I can't say what happened but it wasn't anything good. At the same time he can't do everything he say's he's going to do because think about it, It's basically like a class president in a school. The class president say's he's going to have it so there is no homework but they can't do that exactly like trump he can't do everything he say's he's going to do. So do you think that trump is good for president? or is he like someone who is trying to fix a broken car and doesn't know anything about engineering and is just making it worse.

I'm glad this isn't my country.

again from the title I'm glad that the USA isn't my country. I used to think, I wish I was born in this country, but now I think "Thank God.". I asked some person, who did you vote for and he said, Trump. I was like wow, then he said, I voted for him because he vice president looked pretty good, so if he gets assassinated the vice president could take over. He also said there is a good chance of him getting assassinated. (I will not tell who I asked)

11 November, 2016

Donald Trump for the president: awesome or awful?

 On 11/8/2016, after the election, Donald John Trump was known as the next president, and he will take office as the 45th President on January 20, 2017.  He also is one of the Republican. But there are some bad and good things he'll do for America(like every president before), so let's talk about them. ( Want to know more about him? Click here)

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The good things that Trump will do for America:
1. He is a business man, so he know much about the business, he can make the business of America great.
2. He'll bring people together as a group, and it will be much stronger as a group than single one.
3. He'll tough on ISIS, which means there will be a big war between U.S. and ISIS, and if U.S. destroy ISIS, the world will be safer.

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The bad things that Trump will do for America:
1. He plans to build a great, great wall between Mexico and U.S.(and Mexico will pay for that!) , and that might make a war (or cold war)between two countries, and there are less Mexican food in U.S.!
2. He is a business man, maybe he is not good at politics, then he'll make the government mess.
3. He doesn't listen to anyone, so that maybe causes he'll do things he likes but not things people like.
So that's what I think about Donald Trump, and something that he maybe will do for America.

10 November, 2016

How Can We Care?

You know what? Screw all of this presidency crap! Sure the prez can take the country in any direction they want, but we still have congress and the constitution to keep Trump in check. Also, I don’t understand why we as kids are pushed into this mess. I know it’s important we know what’s going on, but 1. We can’t vote, and 2. No one ever bothered to tell me the difference between a republican and a democrat. Please be honest with me, can you actually care?   

I'll go with it >:(

Donald J. Trump. Hillary  D.R. Clinton. Different people, different ideas, different views. Why are people mad? Trump is going to be president for at most 8 years (most likely 4)  and you will think of it as a short time. Look at the past 4/8 years, they seem to have gone fast, right? Being mad won't just bring whoever you wanted as president to be president but, obviously, people do anyway. I, personally support Clinton and despise Trump but you can't really change the outcome of the election. People chose Trump so we're getting Trump. The thing is,  both presidential candidates have bad and good things. Let's hope Trump has more good than bad.

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Well the election finally ended and sadly Donald Trump is elected to be our president. WHY AMERICA, JUST WHY?! I was really hoping that our fellow Americans would vote for Hillary Clinton. It would be way better for everyone especially for women, Mexicans, and African-Americans. And honestly I think it would be really cool to have the first female president just like we had the first African-american president with Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton would show that women have rights and can do things men can do. I actually thought that Hillary would win because she was winning by a ton but America made it possible to have Donald Trump as our president. Again why America? But I can’t speak for everyone because lots of people have the same beliefs as Donald Trump. Will America get better or worse?

NO HILLARY OR TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally, I DON'T like Donald Trump. The problem is is that I'm happy that he won. I like the Republican party. Democrats do some things that are anti-Christian.  This is a problem for my family because we are Christians. I DON'T like Donald Trump and I DON'T like Hillary Clinton. The president doesn't have full control over us either, which I am happy about. Even my parents are slightly happy. My brothers don't even care. As long as my parents are happy, then I'm happy.

Why it should the election should be by popular vote not electorial

I think the election should be run on popular vote and not on electoral. With the electoral college's your vote doesn't matter. In a popular vote, every vote counts. Your vote in a popular vote is counted and put in the total. In an electoral vote, a college gives all their votes to one side. I challenge you to help me in this cause and diminish the elector collages ruling over this past elections and all the ones in the future.
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Hello my little childrens. I think Trump will be good president because Russia is not mad at him. Russia is friend. I like Russia. I like Stalin. You like Stalin because I say it. Stalin is good man not bad. Propaganda against fascists. Germany. Nazi bad. American is good for war. We ally with the America. Rump is friend. Killary nut gude. But Stalin rule Soviet. LONG LIVE STALIN I want you to go home and make sacrifice for Stalin, ruler of earth. STALIN FOR GOD DADDY HIMSLEF
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R.I.P America

To be honest, I'm EXTREMELY disappointed in the choices of our fellow Americans. I was hoping to be the generation that lived during the first African-American president and the first woman president, well only one of those happened and it wasn't the girl president. I was quite interested in the process of getting the president but the outcome is not what I suspected. To be honest, I have no idea how Trump got elected or how most people in America ended up voting for Trump. But, we just have to remember that some people have different beliefs than others and we can't change that.  Who did you want to win the election?

Donald Trump, Who Would Have Ever Thought?

Donald Trump what a bad choice America. Last Night I stayed up till the whole election was almost over. I thought that the method that NBC used was very interesting. I liked that you could see the whole map live and they showed you the results of each state. Another thing is that my family will not be harmed by the new president of America. America made this choice and I don't really care about who the president came out as anyway.Who do you think should have won?
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Really America? Him?! I'm embarrassed.

Hey Guys!

Politics are for sure my least favorite topic. We talk about it since January, it tears people apart, all it is is arguing.  You never get people sitting at Starbucks or Big B discussing politics. Do you know why? Well it is because if you disagree you start fighting, or everybody just leaves the area because people just keep hitting the same points, about why they are right and you are wrong. Now, I do have an opinion about politics,I just like to use my time talking about other things.

I absolutely hate Donald J Trump's character. He does not care about women's rights,  he even talks about assaulting them. Also, he has no real experience in the field, for all I know he might try to cheat off other country's instead of making a treaty. Finally he has no respect for other cultures.

When I woke up this morning my mom told me the dreaded news. I was just completely shocked, and  I thought... WOW this country just pushed its self into a very deep hole. I mean if america is that full of such big racists and sexist than we have a big problem. I hope that woman's still get to keep their rights. In 4 years I will be 16, I hope America is still a safe nice environment then. America what have you done?

"Making America Great Again!"

Donald Trump Becomes The Next United Sates President!

      Donald J. Trump becomes the next U.S President!I Personally think that politics are your own opinion and your own Business.Things like politics should stay within your own home(but that's my opinion),Oh wait!That's all politics is anyway,your opinion.I am personally interested in the election,and I find The entire process very  interesting.Election day seems to make people nervous,excited,and relieved! I'm definitely relieved that the campaign is over.Hows this will impact  my family and many others is yet to be seen.

Trump is Better

Personally i would vote for Trump because he's better than Hillary. I think that Hillary would just be a mini Hitler, she would not do anything she said she would and she would just kill everyone. Trump might just be a good president. If he doesn't start any wars. Their is protests for Trump and if Hillary won their would not be protests. That just shows how some people are . Would you have voted for Trump or Hillary?

Well Donald trump win the election...

The reason I think that Donald Trump makes America worse even worse because he wants to build a wall because the wall will be the most costly build in human history (even more than the great wall of China cause of steel and good material that won't break easily). Also, I think American's made a bad  dissension about for voting from Trump because President Obama said that Donald Trump will be the next most dangerous president in the history because of the war in Europe and  he may start World War 3 (I personally think).  I think a lot of people will move to Canada because there is a lot of people who hates Donald trump. So that's why I think that America is in danger, what do you think about this election?

The Election

I think that having Donald John Trump as president will be different than if we had Hillary as president. I wanted Hillary Clinton as president because I think she will do good things for our country. I don’t think Trump will be a good president because he does bad things like he is racist and sexist to people for example he said a lot of illegal immigrants from Latin America were criminals, but Hillary have done some bad things too like having secret emails until the FBI figured out about them. Who did you want to be president?

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I think that everything that has happened over the past day is crazy. I think that america has set us up to fail. I don't think we should have trump as our president because he has no experience on what to do. I think that America should think of what might happen to the US if we have a president who has no idea of what to do, say, or how to resolve a conflict. The americans choose to support Trump and I am fine with that they choose whoever they want, but what I don’t like is that Trump has no political experience. I think that my life will not really change that much because Trump can’t control everything. Some people might think that since Trump doesn’t have any experience it will be different, but all of our presidents have been male so if Hillary won we would have our first female president. Well since us children can’t do anything about this why not just try to focus on what affects us right now. Well this was an interesting election. Anyways, would you want to be president for the US, why or why not?
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Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

I expected the next chancellor of america has been decided to Hillary Clinton, but the next chancellor of america has been decided to Donald Trump. I was disappointed in that decision.
I was interested in this process. I think of America's choice was not good, because Donald Trump are problems with remarks. Because Donald Trump was famous businessman,  I think Americans made this choice. I think that there is not much effect on my life and my family's life. Which person was you supporting?

Trump V.S Hillary

Trump won presidency which I disagree with because my whole family is democratic and my grandparents love Hillary. My aunt is democratic and needs to be because she is in the hospital and needs democrat to pay for it. My grandpa had a stroke so he is also in the hospital and my grandma needs Hillary so they can have help paying for it. My thoughts on this election is that our country should be disappointed in themselves for choosing Trump. I think America made this choice because they thought he could be better and could help our country ( which i disagree with). So what were your thoughts on this election?

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Trump,for the better, or for the worst?

WOW. okay, so that just happened. So what do we do now? we have a super differential election that depended so much on the way you looked at it. We have Trump, A rich,White, straight, business man, that has called women fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals, and Hillary, A also rich White, straight, lawyer, politician, and a secretary of state, that happens to  have a FBI investigation around her that finished and said that she was innocent. So which looks like the better candidate? TOO BAD! Hillary seems to have won in the amount of popular votes, yet didn't have enough electoral college votes to win the presidency. This has happened  4 times before out of the now 44 presidents that there have been. My theory on this is that Trump used reality T.V. tactics to win the election. Just think about it, Reality television gives you a limited time to meet your contestants, just like an election does with its parties. Next you have the contestants themselves, like how they all get sorted into classifications, like, the southern naive girl, or the one with anger issues, Donald Johnathon Trump does this perfectly, embodying the rich, jerky, gets on your nerves person. and because he  can do this he rises above all the other candidates for president of the United States of America. This has been a very divided election, and one that does not need repeating. This election was either Black, or White, there was no grey. So tell me, where do you think our new president is going?
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Donald Trump for president

Hello, everyone!

Donald, James Trump was elected for president against Hillary Clinton!  My thoughts on this is that I am not interested in this process of the election.  I think america made a good choice.  I think america made this choice because, this year most of america voted republican.  I do not know how Trump being president will effect my family and I because I cant predict the future.  If I had to pick a president I would want to "make america great again".  Who do you like for president Trump of Hillary?

Make America Hillary Again!

Wow. What a night! After a lot of waiting, Donald Trump made a speech claiming his presidency. My thoughts about this presidency is that Trump should not have won this election. I say this because the first female president would have been a huge step for this country. I also think that Donald Trump is a sexist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic person as well. I was really interested in this election because I thought that Trump running was a joke, but Hillary winning made me have hope in the election. I have lost faith in America because I thought Hillary was in the lead, but it took a turn for the worse after a while. What did you think about the election?

Make America Great Again? I don't think so!

 Last night, America was surprised when Presidential Nominee Donald Trump won the race to the White House. Many people  were disappointed when Mr. Trump won the election. Given the vulgar comments he made regarding women and building a wall on the U.S- Mexican border, it’s not surprising that people would be surprised. In my opinion, the ONLY thing good about his presidency is the hope that U.S- Russia relations will become better. Other than that, I don’t think anything remarkably good will happen to this country while he’s president. I believe that instead of making major issues and problems better, he will focus on issues that aren’t that important. There should also be better ways to defend our border than will build a wall, which would add millions of dollars to our already TRILLIONS of dollars of debt. Then he says he will fix our debt. How does that make any sense? In their argument, Trump supporters say that Hillary Clinton was a criminal, but the FBI didn’t charge her so how can you? So now that you know all your facts, you might regret voting for a certain businessman.

Wait who got elected?

I'm surprised that america elected a bully for president I mean he used a lot of insults to win. I don't personally care who's president though as long as I don't die or something And why should we care about the election we didn't get a say in it nobody cared what we thought but why should we even be thinking about it in the first place? I don't think that we should have to write about this as I don't think it's important to us until we can vote.

Trump, REALLY????

I never thought it would come to this, I didn't know a rapist president would win the 2016 presidential election. I have been following it for a long time but now I just want there to be no such thing of him. I think America's choice for president was bad based on his past. Why would people vote for him? The only good thing for us is lower taxes even if he does what he says he'll do. Would you have voted for him?

"Make America Great Again" -Trump

Trump is winning and so far, he’s saying that he will make America great again. I think that he might make it great. I support Trump, and for what he’s saying, and so do my fellow pears. We are very interested, and we should be interested. I think that America is making a great decision. I’m not sure why America choice him, but I’m sure it is for the better. What about you, are you happy?

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Donald j trump for president

Mr. Donald Jonathan Trump is now the president of the United States of America. I am excited that Mr. trump is now president of the united states. I like trump because he will live up to what he says and since he is a businessman and is good with money he might bring back our economy and grow businessmen. I also sort of agree with some of his policies but I also disagree with some of the things he does and did.

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Donald James Trump won the Presidential election. My thoughts on this election is I am embarrassed for America to have Trump as our president. I am not very involved in this election, but I did want Hillary to win. I do not agree with America’s choice because Trump has done bad things. I don’t disagree that Hillary has done bad things though, but the difference between what they have done Trump has done worse. I don’t know how my family or other families will have an impact with Trump as our president, but I don’t think Trump is a great impression on America. What do you think about this election?

09 November, 2016

The U.S. was in trouble either way

No matter who got elected the U.S. would be in trouble. I was interested in what was going to happen. I thought it was cool to learn how the election worked. I didn't really want either of them to win, but I knew one had to win. If I had to pick between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton I would probably pick Donald Trump. I am glad the Trump won over Clinton.
Tjeerd Royaards is Editor-in-Chief of cartoonmovement.com

I think that America made the better choice of the two candidates. No one really knows what Trump is going to do, so I think everyone should give his a chance and then you can not like him. I think America made this choice because they want something new in the United States.  Do you like Trump?

                            Image result for votes so far for presidentElectoral college votes                                                                                                         votes so far

The Election, the Final Results(please, don't cry), and the Opinions of an average Muggle child

On November 8th 2016, a certain person was given the ultimate title of "President of the US." That person is... Donald J. Trump!

Donald Trump (Republican) had around 276 electoral votes, and Hillary Clinton (Democrat) had around 218 electoral votes. Let this sink in...

A juvenile male muggle woke up, around 6am- 7am on a Wednesday, November 11th, 2016.  A juvenile female walks into his room a couple seconds after he woke up.
"Donald Trump has been elected president." she says casually. From the female's point of view, the male just shrugged. But deep deep inside of the male, it's like she said that you're going to be thrown into the Hunger Games with Voldemort and Darth Maul (equipped with their respectful weapons of choice) and there are dinosaurs and flesh eating Pokemon hidden throughout the arena. Good luck. That male muggle is me (the female is my younger sister).  I don't really understand why America would choose a man who mocks handicapped people and calls woman "pigs." Even with his apologies. He would apologize half-heartedly and then criticize the opposing side. This man wants to build a stinking wall to separate Mexico with USA. Walls cost billions. Where will this man get the money? Truthfully, I think either he'll milk the money from American citizens, or force the Mexican governments to pay for the wall. I don't really think that Donald J. Trump would be a decent president. What do YOU think?