30 September, 2014

When I think of economics I think of Wal-Mart, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and Target.But most of all I think of money. Everything would be free if there wasn't any money. I know what you are thinking, it would be so cool! But really,it would be crazy! Nothing would have value. How would people make a living? We would probably have a food shortage. People would just take all of the food and not think about anyone else.So thank God for money. We probably would not have any of those stores. If everything was free, we wouldn’t need a Target and a Walmart or even a Meijer. We also would not have a Dick’s Sporting Goods. That would be bad! I love to shop at Dick’s Sporting Goods. How would you feel if there was no money?

25 September, 2014

my thoughts on economics

 When I heard the word economics I thought money. Our lives basically revolve around money. It’s how we get food, water and shelter. Money is how we live our daily lives in this world. Money is is how we sort our lives buy goods. Without money we wouldn’t have people like Obama as president, we wouldn’t even have a president at all. Money is so important that every where there is some sort of currency.   



I think producer and customer are important in economic. So, when I think about economics, I think price. Because price is important to customer. When people’s demand go up, the price go higher. But when supply is go up, the price go lower. The producer prefer people’s demand go up because they burn money a lot, so that is benefit to them. But customer prefer supply go up because they can save money, so that is benefit to them. So price choose who get more benefit. Also, price choose poor guys economic condition. When price go higher, they have financial difficulties. But, when price go lower, That is gonna help them out financial. This is reason for when I think about economic, I think price.

The economy in a nutshell

When economics come to mind I of money.Money is pretty much the structure of the economy you need it for everything food,water,and vehicles.Its one of the reasons why everyone goes to work everyday making it a powerhouse of economy.This green paper square is what motivates people to build cars fly planes sell food and many other actions in the name of green paper!

Great economics

Economics, when you hear that word you think of money. Well economics actually means the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth(found by google). Did you know that the average person in america is 50,000-100,000,000 or even more. When you hear economics what comes to your head?

Clever Economics

When I hear the word Economics, I think of money. Money is used for basically everything you want to buy. You use money to buy clothes, food, electronics, transportation, and many other things. Money is one if the reasons why people go crazy. Money is also used to blackmail people. The color of money is green, like leaves. Money buy a girlfriend/boyfriend something nice/expensive. Something you need, but you don’t want to live by. “Things you own, end up owning you.”~Tyler Durden, Fight Club.

Economics 101

I dont know what economics is. My best guess is that it has something to do with money and stores and the government. I have heard of economics before a few times. I would like to know more about what it is. I think that the economy is going down and I found a picture. When I find out what it means I am sure it will be interesting. What is economics do you know?


    • Okay, so i think i know what economics is but i am not sure. You may not agree with me on the definition , but i am going to tell you my opinion of what economics is ( whether you like it or not ). Economics = business. Business is when a person or a company sells something as a service. Its like when you work in a company such as Walmart,Macy's,and KFC.What do you think economics is?

buying and selling


When I think of economics, I think of society and money. How to make products and sell them in market.  If people start buying your products, you get money for the product you sell.  It’s like trading with other countries or people and sometimes you export it to other places and then they trade something back and you get money and also the country gets money. When you pay taxes that’s part of economics.  You give money to the government and it helps the government to improve when you hear economics what's the first thing that comes to your head.

Money Runs The World

When I think of Economics I think of MONEY! Economics is the increasing and decreasing  of money. It depends on if you're a small business or large,and how many you own. The more money you could make.If you think about it Economics run the world’s system, it plays a large role.This is the main reason why we have a president and the government. What do you think about Economics and how it interests you?

Where Money Goes

When I hear the word “economics” I think of the business, and money.  I also think of how people spend their money.  Whether it’s on taxes, or new homes, food or clothing.  I heard a story of a lady who got her heart broken by her boyfriend discouraged that she would never find a husband she wrote her name on a dollar bill.  She was wishing that her future husband would give it to her as a gift.  When her boyfriend proposed giving her, her name dollar she accepted remembering her commitment.  This is an example of how money moves around through a community.  That makes me think of all the places individual bills go.  Think of where you spend your money and where it goes.      

23 September, 2014

The World of Economics and Money

When ever someone hears economics they think of goods and services. That's right but mostly economics mean money or business. Every business uses economics like Rick Snyder he has to pay for making new roads to the company. Economics is here so we can shop, pay our bills,and other stuff that we use money for. I think economics is important because if we didn't we wouldn't be wealth. What do you think if there was no economics?


When you hear the word economics what do you think of? I think of social studies and business. I don't think there is someone that knows everything about economics. But I do know something about economics, it has to do with work and money. The definition of economics is the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. So when someone asks you what economics is what is the first thing that comes to your head?

22 September, 2014


The first thing I think about when I hear economics is business. Business is all around the world and some people study business in college/university. One person may enjoy working with investments, deals, and contracts. Businesses can be shops, stores, and even  a company. When you think you want to make a shop, look for places where people can spot easily. After you might want to have a factory that can provide you the supplies to fill in the shop. Also you might to start with a grand opening deal or sale. You must also think of a catchy name of the shop and try to make a slogan for your commercial. What are the steps you would do in order to have an amazing shop?


When I hear economics, I think of the economy. I think of the gas prices and who has to make choices for our community. Like seriously the prices for things now have increased so much in the past few years its almost ridiculous. How the technology is getting better with every new device that comes out. The new cars have built in wifi, I NEED THAT! what do you think of when you hear Economics?

Economics… >.< Think hard

Hmmm economics well I think of money you know that $$$, the dough, the power in the world.  I also think of social studies.  Not alot of people like economics I don’t I'm more of a math person.  Well first off economists to me is I buy something from someone i give him $ he gives me for example a video game.  Later I sell the video game for $.  So if you want something from someone you give them money for that thing and vice-versa.  Well i challenge you to try this at a store but don't get something you don't want. Why would you??

Money economics by advaith

Moo-la in economics

Hello, I’m going to write about money in economics. Money is a good that acts as a medium of exchange in transactions. You have to make important decisions about money like whether to spend or save it. Money was made because it was a good replacement for bargaining. It is an important thing in life because it helps you have good life. Money is not just a piece of paper, it has some value to it. Checks,shares or stocks in a company are some forms of money. Be wise about how you spend your money. What are your ideas about money in economics?

The World With Economics and Money

If you think of economics you might trade or money. Most people use economics for money. People and government use trade to trade their wealth like money, crops, supplies or materials. Economics is everywhere, when you buy anything for money. Only some things are really expensive but most are not that much. I think that economics is really important around the world. Money is another important part of economics. Without money we wouldn't be able to get anything. What do you think of economics?

Money, Money, Money!

What do you think of when you hear economics? When hear economics I think of money. Economics is money, business, government and stuff like that. Sometimes it can be confusing, sometimes it can be annoying, sometimes it can feel like the government is stealing money from you. Economics is like real life monopoly, with money, taxes, mortgage, and even more money. That is what I think economics is. Money doesn't  grow on trees, so that’s why we have economics.    

Money and Economics

When i think of economics...

i think of my annoying pester of a brother yelling in the background asking me where his money is for the bet i lost at! ya, is kinda sucks, but that's what i choose to do with my money (even when i know i will lose to my eighteen year old brother). But there’s so much more than a sinking bet in economics. like investing in something and business or anything else with money. What do you chose to do with your money?

What is Economics?

Economics is  a different topic than you think it is. It can contain categories from stocks to trade. You never know when you make a successful export or substantially fail in trying to buy a raising stock. Everything you do is a risk and that will result in good or bad news. Close but no cigar, eh? All you need is some common sense and logical explanations. Although what you don’t want is doubt and second guessing yourself which could lead to debt. So always remember kids, never do anything weird in the open world of business. Let me know down below in the comments what you think about this interesting topic.


money for dayzzz

I think economics is a pretty interesting topic. You get to deal with money, businesses, cars, and anything else that cost money. At times dealing with economics can be tricky, especially when you have to pay for gas! Why is it so expensive? You have to spend money on sports, school lunches, groceries, and make sure you save up so you have some extra cash to throw around. It’s not about the money, money, money we don’t need your money, money, money, but SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boring, Boring, and Boring!

I think economics is BORING!!! When I hear the word economic I think of sitting behind a desk and doing math. Yes, economics is the reason why stores we love stay up and running, but think about how that’s done. You have the owner of the store who has people to do math, handle shipments, bills, etc. I mean just reading about it sounds boring. So just think about this, while their doing all of that, they could be doing something 10 times more fun, like watching YouTubers?

The Art of Cash!

When I think about Economics, I think about money. When I think about money, I think about spending it, saving it, and having fun. If I had a whole lot of moola I would buy myself a car, save some for college, and I would go to Atlantis with my family. But, I probably won’t have that much cash for a few more years so for now  shopping at any mall is enough. I also think about government when I think about economics. I mean its hard not to think about government with all the silly choices ours has been making lately!  My parents make good choices when it comes to money, they invest in my sports, school, and our families quality of life. They do this because they love me and they want me to have a successful life. Your parents probably want the same for you too. I hope that this year during economics I can learn more about stocks, saving, and government! Last year in Social Studies I learned about economics and different economies. I am excited to learn  more about economics this year! Bottom line, economics is an important part of our day to day life. What would you do if you could  control our country’s economy?    


When I think about economics I think of buying stuff and spending money. I also think of big stores like Target or Best Buy or people buying things they need, like a house, a car or gas. I also think of people working because that usually working involves selling something. Another thing I think of is farmers selling their crops to stores and stores selling them to people. I think that learning about economics will be interesting and exciting. Do you?

Oh My Fluff its Economics

Whenever I think about economics I  think about the about Michigan. I think about Michigan is because I live in Michigan (duh Bella like we didn't know that) and I think about how gas prices go up because its a resource that almost all of the people in Michigan need. And also how everyone in the United States or maybe the world cannot be satisfied with the things that we have so when we want lets say the next iPhone 6 because everyone else has one so you end up spending so much money on the things you want instead of just keeping the things you have. And then we end up spending so much on the things we don't need and  the things we do need just continue to go up in price. What do you think about when you hear the word economics?

Razzle Dazzle Economics

         Hey! Bella here. Want to know what I know about economics? Well since you asked, I think of……. MONEY! To me, it’s like a cycle. People get jobs, make money, spend money, then more people make money. When people stop buying things then the economy struggles, people lose jobs and stop making money. Then everybody struggles. The definition of economics is: the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind. There are different kinds of economies like state, federal government, worldwide etc. That’s what I know about economics. What do you know? Bye!

Face Painting?

When asked what comes to mind when I think of economics I think of fourth grade. In fourth grade we did something called market day when you make a product and sell it. One of my friends and I did face painting. It showed us that making something for a business is a hard job. I remember wishing that I had more experience with working with people and also painting. Now I ask you, what do you think of when asked about economics?

Spending and Earning Money


Hey people of Earth! I believe economics deals with how people spend and earn money.  My family members have jobs and earn money. My dad earns money by helping clients, he also then gives us an allowance for doing chores around the house. When we earn the money my parents use the money to pay bills for our house.  When I earn money I usually save it and spend it with my friends when we go hangout.  What do you use your money for when you earn it? See ya!:)

Swagalicious Economics

When I hear the word economics, I’m not really sure what I think of it. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with how businesses and money work and all that kind of stuff, but I don’t think anyone knows everything about economics. If someone knew everything about economics they would probably be the smartest person in the world and very, very rich. But what if nobody knew anything about economics? The world of money and business would probably be upside down!  If I knew a lot about economics I would make sure to tell the whole world about them. If you knew a lot about economics what would you do?

my first blogging adventure


My first blogging adventure     
Economics:To gain an understanding of production, distribution , and consumption of goods and services.
       To me economics means  what we do to make our country move smoother and how the government spends there money  . Whether its its giving to other countries or receiving ,or how we produce the things we make. I think without economics we would have no culture .
Why do you think economics is important, or how it makes or country better or maybe even worst ? So whats your opinion?

Strong Bold America !!!!!!!

Strong bold America
by:Catherine Grundemann

When i hear the word economics the thing that comes to mind is the the strong bold America we were and are and always will be .I think of the marines that have lost their lives fighting for our freedom .I also think of the money and the circulation of the money from different businesses across america and all over the world ! I dont know about you but that is what come to mind when i hear the word economics .

Taking Care of Business Everyday

When I hear the word economics, I think of a city with many tall buildings. The city that I think of is New York. Its buildings make me think of the people inside who are making trades and business deals. All these people just want to make money, which causes them to take risks. These risks can sometimes take a turn for the worse and cause people to lose money. Like New York, economics is functional but it can have a few bumps in the road like high taxes and crime. What do you think about taking risks to make money?

Good Ol' Money

When someone says economics i think about money and business’s. Such as eBay,Walmart, and Kroger. The economy affects business and vise-verse, but money rules it all. This is mainly because  everyone has to pay taxes and everyone relies on money for everything. Also we need it for food and to survive, on top of that we need it to buy or rent a house. So pretty much everything is based of money, so everyone can survive they need money these days. But you can make money from farming and selling,  but that still requires money, usually.So what DO YOU think about money, is it useless,or is it help full?

Money Is The Anthem of Success

In my opinion, the economy is the system that has to do with all of the money in the world. The economy can crash and can build up to be great. It can cause suffering and it can cause happiness. Homes, jobs, lifestyle, and so much more centers around one thing: the economy. The economy, and economics, centers around the one thing that runs the world: money. Overall, the world depends on the economy to provide in times of need and also to make sure that the world’s money is safe. So, how do you spend?

Economics On Fleek!

What things that go through my head when i hear the word economics? I think of money , I  think money is a big part of economics. Money is a big part of economics because without money you can’t buy things. Economics is mostly about buying and selling goods, you earn things by selling things and you use that money to buy things. You need to have money to spend money, and if you dont have money you can’t spend it. In order to do that you have to earn it by doing whatever you have to do like, sell lemonade or cut the grass or whatever. Also Economics is about import and export, import is when bought something from another country, export is when you send something from one country to another. If you export something you’re selling to another country. How much do you know about economics

Blogging about Economics

                                Blogging about Economics

When I think of economy I think of  government and the power they have. I also think of graphs and money. Like what the government does with their money, if they are wasting it on things that we do not always need, or if they are spending it on our bad roads in Michigan or on our schools, like things that we do need. For graphs I think of how much business buildings have been getting and their money rate, when the sales go up or down. Wouldn't you agree?