22 September, 2014

Spending and Earning Money


Hey people of Earth! I believe economics deals with how people spend and earn money.  My family members have jobs and earn money. My dad earns money by helping clients, he also then gives us an allowance for doing chores around the house. When we earn the money my parents use the money to pay bills for our house.  When I earn money I usually save it and spend it with my friends when we go hangout.  What do you use your money for when you earn it? See ya!:)


  1. Mya, I really liked your post. I agree with your choice to save some of your money. To answer your question I would have to say this. When I earn money I usually spend it on clothes, art supplies, or having fun with my friends. I usually deposit about 2/3 of my money into the bank. This is what I do with money.

  2. Mya, this is a great post. I like your intro a lot. Your paragraph meets all of the requirements and is very well written. We have some of the same interests in economics. I also get an allowance sometimes and usually save it. I also love your picture. I usually spend my money on sports games. How much do you love economics?


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