22 September, 2014

What is Economics?

Economics is  a different topic than you think it is. It can contain categories from stocks to trade. You never know when you make a successful export or substantially fail in trying to buy a raising stock. Everything you do is a risk and that will result in good or bad news. Close but no cigar, eh? All you need is some common sense and logical explanations. Although what you don’t want is doubt and second guessing yourself which could lead to debt. So always remember kids, never do anything weird in the open world of business. Let me know down below in the comments what you think about this interesting topic.


1 comment:

  1. That is a really good post Sufwan because it is interesting and funny. Your picture is hilarious because it is actually kind of true. And you are absolutely right about failing or actually successfully trying to buy or raise live stock or farm. Would you want to be a farmer with those kinds of problems.


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