18 September, 2014

the new generation of economics

When I hear the word economics i tend to think of the way the world works together and benefits off of each other and how it works like a circle, like the question which comes first the phoenix or the fire?
Well, that's what i think of economics. I would like to learn about exactly how that happens. Like how people in France benefit the people in Korea. Economy is a very closely knit kind of thing, the government controls some of that but the people of those countries do the rest. Or how the little companies like a dance studio for instance, help each other out in the economy.
That is what i think of and want to know about economics.


  1. I never realized that economics is like that. I also want to know how a person in one place affects another person in a different part of the world. The supply and demand of different resources in different places. Like how the U.S. doesn't have “made in the U.S.” items, it’s mostly “made in China.” So, do you own any “made in the U.S. things?

  2. yes, plenty! I have always thought that also as a little kid "why are so many things made in china" well, each part of the world benefits off of each other and i guess that china helps us out by making toys and stuff like that to ship to the US.

  3. I have never thought of economics like that. I have always thought that so much stuff is made in China but never really connected that with economics. I never really realized that the countries help each other. I really enjoyed reading your post and it made me think about new stuff! Have you seen any other countries that have made something of yours other than China, Korea, the U.S. and France?


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