18 September, 2014


Hey guys,

So economics…..huh. tough. not really actually. when I hear the word economics I think of 4th grade market day at Cornell Elementary.  also I think of my economics class I used to take again 4th grade. Where we had play dough to learn about supply and demand. (Yeah thanks so much Ms. Tuchek. :D)  What do I think of it? Well one can only say it is fun to learn about how things work in the real world so there is definitely upsides to economics. I mean we wouldn’t want to NOT care and learn about it, become an adult and not know anything about government and business and looking like a fool….would we?


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  3. Wow serious stuff :D. The question on the end makes it seem every one is the same. For instance I am totally fine with looking like a fool. You should send this to your old teacher (Ms. Tuchek) I bet she would love it. I do agree on the first part though. Your really good. Why don't you write more.

  4. Everybody thinks economics is hard. Finally someone thinks it's not


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