25 September, 2014

Where Money Goes

When I hear the word “economics” I think of the business, and money.  I also think of how people spend their money.  Whether it’s on taxes, or new homes, food or clothing.  I heard a story of a lady who got her heart broken by her boyfriend discouraged that she would never find a husband she wrote her name on a dollar bill.  She was wishing that her future husband would give it to her as a gift.  When her boyfriend proposed giving her, her name dollar she accepted remembering her commitment.  This is an example of how money moves around through a community.  That makes me think of all the places individual bills go.  Think of where you spend your money and where it goes.      

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a cool story Clara. And it’s also very true when you said how people spend lots of their money. I mean if you think about it, especially adults pay for their kids. Between food, clothes, sports, games, and many other things that are needed. So like you said, economics are a very important thing to know in order to make a living.


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