22 September, 2014

Business is Busy These Days!

Economics. Hmm. I don’t know about you, but I think of business. Obviously, economics involve business, but some are different from others. For example, I think of politics and different types of government. Also, a good economic business is trading and importing/exporting. How will we survive without trading with other countries such as India, Europe and Asia? Every country has their own specific cash crop or frequent resource.Trading them around the world is part of our life system!!! How would we survive without economics, huh?



  1. Well, we could survive without economics by just trading goods for services,or just doing things for people that do things for us. Life would actually be a lot easier without economics.The no one will have money problems.Why do you think that life is a lot better.Bye?

    1. I think it's better because what if we lent a cup of flour or something like that to a neighbor, but when we need something like an egg or a carton of milk, and the neighbor doesn't have that, then what will we do?


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