21 September, 2014

Traveling Money

      I bet the last thing you want to do on a weekend  is read all of this blog post(I'll give you candy!  No, I won't), but you've (I've) gotten this far, might as well keep reading. I dare you!   
To sum it up I would say economics is the trading/movement of money and products/services. It seem as if the whole world revolves around money and economics.  All the importing, exporting, supply, demand, etc. of products.  All I already know is from previous social studies classes and a PBS show called Biz Kidz. On TV and everywhere we go people are trying to get our attention to buy a certain product or service from them. Business owners sell their products in a certain way.  If the product's demand is increasing and the supply is decreasing then the price will go up, and  if there is a decreasing demand and the supply is increasing  then the price goes down. We get many  different products from other countries (China), those are called imports. Our country also sends out products to different counties; those are called exports. My point is that the way we all spend our money and the way businesses work  is economics. The money that you spend could go anywhere once it's no longer yours. So now that I’ve used the words product and money like 100 times (!), I ask you, "Where do you think your money goes? "



  1. I really like your post!!! My mom is a professor in the money/marketing business, and I think what you just said pretty much describes exactly what she teaches and researches. She says there are many different ways to market a certain product, and I'm wondering about different sorts. So, how many ways do YOU think there are to market a certain product?

  2. You did a great job with this post! I think that one of the ways people can start selling their products is on shows like "Shark Tank". I think that exporting and importing do matter in our economic system. Exports make it so other countries get what they need and want. Imports make it so we can get what we need and want. How would you sell a product you made?

  3. Wow. You just summed everything the teacher had to teach us. Nice going Lottie Brook, now the teacher doesn’t have anything else to teach us! No I’m just kidding. (Maybe). Anyways, I love your post. It’s so factual, yet entertaining. You almost make me want to learn about economics. Almost. Also to answer your question, I think all our money goes to the government and maybe around the world. What do you think it takes to own a business?

  4. Thanks so much guys! Strangely it means a lot to me
    Taya: glad I summed that up well :)
    Mia: I love shark tank, awesome show!
    Sita:I wish all that we'd have to do is read my post. Oh well... glad I was amusing that's what I was shooting for ;)

    I enjoy economics, it's all logic. So are you all as excited as I am (for the Music Man jr.!) To learn more about economics?

  5. Keep up the good work, Lottie-Brooke and Co.!

  6. Wow I like your blogs Lottie Brooke? I like your paragraph it is really long? I think you need to separate into a five sentence paragraph? I think you need a picture next time when we do a another blog but you good at this blog and you bomb this blog? You get information form a TV WOW amazing? When you say "Where do you think your money goes" I think it go to the government to help people like poor people? Good job on your work and keep going?


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