22 September, 2014

Oh My Fluff its Economics

Whenever I think about economics I  think about the about Michigan. I think about Michigan is because I live in Michigan (duh Bella like we didn't know that) and I think about how gas prices go up because its a resource that almost all of the people in Michigan need. And also how everyone in the United States or maybe the world cannot be satisfied with the things that we have so when we want lets say the next iPhone 6 because everyone else has one so you end up spending so much money on the things you want instead of just keeping the things you have. And then we end up spending so much on the things we don't need and  the things we do need just continue to go up in price. What do you think about when you hear the word economics?


  1. That was a good paper! I loved the way you mentioned where you were from. The iphone comment is 100% true. People will buy a large quantity of items that they already have and not realize that what they bought is basically the same thing of what they have had. Economics is a very hard thing to explain, i thought that you did it very well! The question that i have for you is: If you where in charge of economics what would you do to improve?

  2. I agree with you. Everybody is buying things they don’t need all of the time. I feel like they keep making even more things all the time and there becomes a lot of economy problems. I wonder what the world would be without economy. It most likely won’t happen though. What do u think?


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