22 September, 2014

Economics On Fleek!

What things that go through my head when i hear the word economics? I think of money , I  think money is a big part of economics. Money is a big part of economics because without money you can’t buy things. Economics is mostly about buying and selling goods, you earn things by selling things and you use that money to buy things. You need to have money to spend money, and if you dont have money you can’t spend it. In order to do that you have to earn it by doing whatever you have to do like, sell lemonade or cut the grass or whatever. Also Economics is about import and export, import is when bought something from another country, export is when you send something from one country to another. If you export something you’re selling to another country. How much do you know about economics


  1. This is a very catchy title.Great use of interesting words.Though
    I think econmics are more than money there also about the share and trade of goods ands sevices.I also like the fact that you did more than fifty words.This is great writing.How did you come up with that title?

  2. I like your title, as well. It’s very intriguing, and really catches my attention. How did you ever come up with something so interesting? Anyway, you have a great topic and you stick to your opinion very well. You seem to be sure that economics is mainly based on money, and the import and export of goods, in which I can agree.


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